RDoC Constructs Domain: Negative Valence Systems Construct: Acute Threat ("Fear") Construct: Potential Threat ("Anxiety") Construct: Sustained Threat Construct: Loss Construct: Frustrative Nonreward Domain: Positive Valence Systems Construct: Reward Responsiveness Subconstruct: Reward Anticipation Subconstruct: Initial Response to Reward Subconstruct: Reward Satiation Construct: Reward Learning Subconstruct: Probabilistic and Reinforcement Learning Subconstruct: Reward Prediction Error Subconstruct: Habit - PVS Construct: Reward Valuation Subconstruct: Reward (probability) Subconstruct: Delay Subconstruct: Effort Domain: Cognitive Systems Construct: Attention Construct: Perception Subconstruct: Visual Perception Subconstruct: Auditory Perception Subconstruct: Olfactory/Somatosensory/Multimodal/Perception Construct: Declarative Memory Construct: Language Construct: Cognitive Control Subconstruct: Goal Selection; Updating, Representation, and Maintenance Subconstruct: Response Selection; Inhibition/Suppression Subconstruct: Performance Monitoring Construct: Working Memory Subconstruct: Active Maintenance Subconstruct: Flexible Updating Subconstruct: Limited Capacity Subconstruct: Interference Control Domain: Social Processes Construct: Affiliation and Attachment Construct: Social Communication Subconstruct: Reception of Facial Communication Subconstruct: Production of Facial Communication Subconstruct: Reception of Non-Facial Communication Subconstruct: Production of Non-Facial Communication Construct: Perception and Understanding of Self Subconstruct: Agency Subconstruct: Self-Knowledge Construct: Perception and Understanding of Others Subconstruct: Animacy Perception Subconstruct: Action Perception Subconstruct: Understanding Mental States Domain: Arousal and Regulatory Systems Construct: Arousal Construct: Circadian Rhythms Construct: Sleep-Wakefulness Domain: Sensorimotor Systems Construct: Motor Actions Subconstruct: Action Planning and Selection Subconstruct: Sensorimotor Dynamics Subconstruct: Initiation Subconstruct: Execution Subconstruct: Inhibition and Termination Construct: Agency and Ownership Construct: Habit - Sensorimotor Construct: Innate Motor Patterns