Science Updates About Health Disparities
- Collaborative Care Could Help Reduce Disparities in Mental Health Treatment
In an NIMH-funded study, a comprehensive collaborative care intervention significantly reduced post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms among trauma patients from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds.
- Disparities in Psychotic Disorder Diagnoses and Other Negative Health Outcomes
NIMH researchers found racial and ethnic disparities in rates of psychotic disorders, which were associated with co-occurring medical conditions and negative health outcomes.
- NIH Launches Community-Led Research Program to Advance Health Equity
NIH is funding a first-of-its-kind community-led research program to study ways to address the underlying structural factors within communities that affect health, such as access to safe spaces, healthy food, employment opportunities, transportation, and quality health care.
- Dr. Lisa Bowleg Named James S. Jackson Memorial Award Winner
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has named applied Social Psychologist Lisa Bowleg, Ph.D., M.A., the 2023 James S. Jackson Memorial Award winner.
- Rare Genetic Variation in 10 Genes Substantially Raise the Risk for Schizophrenia
In one of the largest genetic studies of its kind researchers funded by the National Institute of Mental Health identified variations in 10 genes that significantly raise the risk for schizophrenia—information that could help identify new treatment targets.
- NIMH Turns Challenges into Opportunities
The recent NIMH Mental Health Services Research conference covered a range of topics, including mental health equity, policy, and funding.
- NIH BRAIN Initiative Launches Projects to Develop Cell Atlases and Molecular Tools for Cell Access
The National Institutes of Health has launched two transformative projects supported by the Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies® (BRAIN) Initiative: The BRAIN Initiative® Cell Atlas Network and the Armamentarium for Precision Brain Cell Access.
- Multistage Autism Screening in Early Intervention Settings May Reduce Disparities
An NIMH-supported study shows that incorporating a multistage screening process for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) into federally funded early intervention services may reduce disparities in early ASD diagnosis.
- Researchers Find Disparities in Suicide Risk Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults
Suicide risk among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults varies considerably depending on the intersection between sexual identity and other aspects of identity, such as gender, age, and race/ethnicity, according to a study led by NIMH researchers.
- A New Strength-Focused Framework to Prevent American Indian and Alaska Native Youth Suicide
Researchers have developed a promising new framework for suicide prevention in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities. The research framework expands on conventional risk reduction strategies by placing Indigenous culture, knowledge, beliefs, and community collaboration at the center of the approach.
- Partner Violence and Elevated HIV Viral Load in South African Women
New analysis suggests an association between intimate partner violence and elevated viral loads among postpartum women in South Africa.
- Identifying Practices for Reducing Incarceration of Those with Mental Illnesses—A Study of “Stepping Up”
According to a 2017 report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, approximately two-thirds of female inmates in prisons and jails and around a third of men in prisons and jails report having been diagnosed as having mental health disorder by a mental health professional.
- New Toolkit Offers Ways to Evaluate Suicide Prevention Efforts in Arctic Communities
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), in collaboration with the Mental Health Innovation Network and other federal partners, has released the RISING SUN toolkit to help clinicians, communities, policymakers, and researchers measure the impact and effectiveness of suicide prevention efforts in rural and tribal communities.
- Hubs Help Native American Communities Address Youth Suicide
Three NIMH-funded collaborative research hubs are exploring the factors behind the high suicide rates among American Indian (AI) and Alaska Native (AN) youth and designing and testing approaches to preventing suicide.
- Coping With Familial Mental Illness in Stressful Times
“An NIH/NIMH lifer” reveals how his Asian American family successfully coped with severe mental illness compounded by discrimination.
- Twitter Chat on African American Men’s Mental Health
A live Twitter chat discussing African American men’s mental health.
- A New Look at Racial/Ethnic Differences in Mental Health Service Use Among Adults
New report on mental health service use among racial/ethnic groups