Select Publications
Plitt M., Barnes K.A., Martin A. Functional connectivity classification of autism identifies highly predictive brain features but falls short of biomarker standards. NeuroImage: Clinical, 7, 359-366, 2015(PMCID: PMC4309950).
Simmons W.K., Rapuano K.M., Ingeholm J.E., Avery J., Kallman S, Hall K.D., Martin A. The ventral pallidum and orbitofrontal cortex support inferences about food pleasantness . Brain Structure and Function, 219, 473-483, 2014 (PMCID: PMC3676475).
Weisberg J., Milleville S.C., Kenworthy L., Wallace G.L., Gotts S.J., Beauchamp MS, Martin A. Social perception in autism spectrum disorders: Impaired category selectivity for dynamic but not static images in ventral temporal cortex . Cerebral Cortex,24, 37-48, 2014 (PMCID: PMC3862263).
Gotts S.J., Jo H.J., Wallace G.L., Saad Z.S., Cox R.W., Martin A. Two distinct forms of functional lateralization in the human brain . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013;110:E3435–44 (PMCID: PMC3767540).
Simmons W.K., Rapuano K.M., Kallman S.J., Ingeholm J.E., Miller B., Gotts S.J., et al. Category-specific integration of homeostatic signals in caudal but not rostral human insula . Nat Neurosci. 2013;16:1551–2 (PMCID: PMC3835665).
Gotts S.J., Simmons W.K., Milbury L.A., Wallace G.L., Cox R.W., Martin A. Fractionation of social brain circuits in autism spectrum disorders . Brain. 2012 Sep;135(Pt 9):2711–25 (PMID: 22791801).
Gotts S.J., Chow C.C., Martin A. Repetition priming and repetition suppression: Multiple mechanisms in need of testing . Cognitive Neuroscience, 3, 250-259, 2012 (PMID: 24171755).
Martin A., Barnes K.A., Stevens W.D. Spontaneous neural activity predicts individual differences in performance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 3201-3202, 2012 (PMCID: PMC3295279).
Ghuman AS, McDaniel JR, & Martin A. Face adaptation without a face . Current Biology, 20, 32-36, 2010.
Wallace G.L., Dankner N., Kenworthy L., Giedd J.N., Martin A. Age-related temporal and parietal cortical thinning in autism spectrum disorders . Brain. 2010 Dec 1;133(Pt 12):3745–54 (PMID 20926367).
Mahon B.Z., Milleville S.C., Negri G.A.L., Rumiati R.I., Caramazza A., Martin A. Action-Related Properties Shape Object Representations in thse Ventral Stream . Neuron. 2007;55:507–20 (PMID 17678861).
Martin A. The representation of object concepts in the brain . Annu Rev Psychol. 2007;58:25–45 (PMID 16968210).
Beauchamp M.S., Argall B.D., Bodurka J., Duyn J.H., Martin A. Unraveling multisensory integration: patchy organization within human STS multisensory cortex . Nat Neurosci. 2004;7:1190–2 (PMID 15475952).
Beauchamp M.S., Lee K.E., Argall B.D., Martin A. Integration of auditory and visual information about objects in superior temporal sulcus . Neuron. 2004;41:809–23 (PMID 15003179).
Gil-da-Costa R., Braun A., Lopes M., Hauser M.D., Carson R.E., Herscovitch P., et al. Toward an evolutionary perspective on conceptual representation: species-specific calls activate visual and affective processing systems in the macaque . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 2004 Dec 14;101(50):17516–21 (PMID 15583132).
Beauchamp M.S., Lee K.E., Haxby J.V., Martin A. Parallel visual motion processing streams for manipulable objects and human movements . Neuron. 2002;34:149–59 (PMID 11931749).
Chao L.L., Martin A. Representation of manipulable man-made objects in the dorsal stream . Neuroimage. 2000;12:478–84 (PMID 10988041).
Van Turennout M., Ellmore T., Martin A. Long-lasting cortical plasticity in the object naming system . Nat Neurosci. 2000;3:1329–34 (PMID 11100155).
Chao L.L., Haxby J.V., Martin A. Attribute-based neural substrates in temporal cortex for perceiving and knowing about objects . Nature neuroscience. 1999 p. 913–9 (PMID 10491613).
Martin A., Wiggs C.L., Ungerleider L.G., Haxby J.V. Neural correlates of category-specific knowledge . Nature. 1996;379:649–52. (PMID 8628399).
Martin A., Haxby J.V., Lalonde F.M., Wiggs C.L., Ungerleider L.G. Discrete cortical regions associated with knowledge of color and knowledge of action . Science. 1995;270:102–5 (PMID 7569934).