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Transforming the understanding
and treatment of mental illnesses.

Laboratory of Brain and Cognition (LBC)

Section on Cognitive Neuropsychology Staff

Current Lab Members

Alex Martin, Ph.D. | NIH Senior Investigator and Chief

Headshot of Alex Martin.

Dr. Martin received his Ph.D. from the City University of New York.  He is Chief of the Cognitive Neuropsychology Section, focused on understanding the neural organization of human memory and social processing systems and how they breakdown in neuropsychiatric disorders. Dr. Martin is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Association for Psychological Science, and the American Psychological Association.

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Jason Avery, Ph.D. | Research Fellow

Headshot of Jason Avery.

Dr. Avery received his Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from The University of Tulsa in 2013. He joined the Laboratory of Brain and Cognition in 2017 after completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His current research focuses on the neurobiology of taste perception and food-related cognition, and incorporates a combination of machine-learning methods, behavioral modeling, and high-field functional MRI.

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Jude Baffoe-Bonnie | Post-baccalaureate Fellow

Jude Baffoe-Bonnie

Jude received his BS in Neuroscience from Temple University. His research involves examining hippocampal representations of coarse and detailed memory, as well as investigating the cortical layers that store long-term memories after consolidation.

Caroline Candy | Post-baccalaureate Fellow

Caroline Candy

Caroline graduated from the University of Michigan with a BA in biopsychology, cognition, and neuroscience and a minor in business administration. She currently studies taste perception using fMRI. She is interested in studying the neural mechanisms underlying perception and memory in individuals with ASD and other neurodevelopmental disorders.

Leonardo Claudino, Ph.D. | Staff Scientist

Headshot of Leonardo Claudino.

Leo holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Maryland College Park (2016). Prior to joining the Section on Cognitive Neuropsychology as a Staff Scientist, Leo was a Postdoc at the Human Cortical Physiology and Neurorehabilitation Section (HCPS-NINDS) and a Staff Scientist at the Section of Neurobiology of Fear and Anxiety (SNFA-NIMH). He is interested in the neural and behavioral bases of perception, action, consolidation, motivation, and decision-making. Leo’s tools include, but are not limited to: MEG, tACS, crowdsourcing, computational modeling, signal processing and numerical optimization.

Stephen J. Gotts, Ph.D. | Senior Associate Scientist

Headshot of Stephen Gotts.

Dr. Gotts received his B.A. from Trinity University (TX) in 1994 and his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University in 2003 in Cognitive Neuroscience (Psychology). Following postdoctoral fellowships at CMU (Dr. David Plaut) and NIMH (Dr. Robert Desimone and Dr. Alex Martin), he joined the Section on Cognitive Neuropsychology as a Staff Scientist in 2010.  Dr. Gotts’s research is aimed at understanding the neural mechanisms that underlie the processing and representation of long-term perceptual and conceptual knowledge in the brain, with a particular focus on mechanisms of inter-regional physiological interaction (functional connectivity) and neural oscillations. He uses behavioral, fMRI, and electrophysiological (ECoG,EEG,MEG) experiments and neural network modeling in order to formulate explicit theories about the relationship between brain and behavior.

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Cassie Levesque | Post-baccalaureate Fellow

Cassie Levesque

Cassie graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Madison with a B.S. in Neurobiology. She currently works on a simultaneous fMRI and EEG project investigating the neural processing of repetition suppression and repetition priming. She is interested in studying consciousness, dreaming, and the use of psychedelics in psychotherapy.

Taylor Li | Post-baccalaureate Fellow

Taylor Li

Taylor graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) with a BS in Biopsychology and a BA in Statistics & Data Science. Her research currently employs task-based high-field laminar fMRI to explore neural cognition.

Andrew Persichetti, Ph.D. | Research Fellow

Andrew Persichetti.

Dr. Persichetti received his BA in Philosophy and Psychology from Portland State University and his PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from Emory University. He joined the Lab of Brain and Cognition at NIMH in 2018. He primarily uses a combination of fMRI and behavioral measures in humans to study how perception, memory, and language systems contribute to the acquisition and representation of knowledge.

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Lab Alumni

Staff Scientist and Post-doctoral Fellows

Sam Audrain, Ph.D.

Michael Beauchamp, Ph.D.

Camille Bushell, Ph.D.

Avniel Ghuman, Ph.D.

Monika Mellem, Ph.D.

Michal Ramot, Ph.D.

Dale Stevens, Ph.D.

Greg Wallace, Ph.D.

Cheri Wiggs, Ph.D.

Kelly Anne Barnes, Ph.D.

Patrick Bellgowan, Ph.D.

Linda Chao, Ph.D.

Adrian Gilmore, Ph.D.

Jonathan Power, M.D., Ph.D.

Kyle Simmons, Ph.D.

Miranda van Turennout, Ph.D.

Thalia Wheatley, Ph.D.

Jiongjiong Yang, Ph.D.


François Lalonde, Ph.D.

Joseph Snow, Ph.D.

Medical Fellows

Chinedu Anyaeji, M.D.

Mike Mrizek, M.D.

Graduate Students

Ricardo Gil-da-Costa, Ph.D.

Rachel Smith, Ph.D.

Kyle Jasmin, Ph.D.

Post-baccalaureate Fellows and Research Assistants

Kevin Anderson

Brenna Argall

Madeline Carrington

Meghan Collins

Kelsey Csumitta

Joseph Denning

Laura Dolan

Timothy Ellmore

Jessica Gilbert

Madeline Harms

Seth Kallman

Ilana Levy

Sean Matlis

Lydia Milbury

Bako Orionzi

Cameron Paranzino

Mark Plitt

Alina Quach

Mark Reddish

Cameron Riddell

Briana Robustelli

Jennifer Silvers

Rebecca van den Honert

Jill Weisberg

Jenna Wilson

Anna Agron

Rachel Caravella

Laura Case

Jason Crutcher

Nathan Dankner

Eunice Dixon

Ian Eisenberg

Gretchen Fry

Estefanía Gonzalez-Araya

Sarah Kalinowski

Sara Kimmich

Alexander Liu

Jonathan McDaniel

Shawn Milleville

Alexandra Ossowski

Cynthia Peng

Haroon Popal

Kristina Rapuano

Gabrielle Reimann

Rich Roberson

Jiayu Shao

Henry Tessler

Catherine Walsh

Emily White

Sophie Wohltjen

Summer Students

Bess Bloomer

Miriam Menken