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and treatment of mental illnesses.

Compulsivity in Children Ages 6 to 17

Join a Research Study: Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region

For more information contact the research team, email ( or call 301-827-7077 [TTY: 711].

Is your child compulsive, or obsessive? Does your child constantly check things, spend lots of time ordering their belongings, do unusual rituals or habits that seem unnecessary and repetitive?

This outpatient research study is being conducted to study the links between compulsivity, genetics, and the brains of children.

Participants may qualify if they are:

  • Between the ages of 6 and 17 years
  • Medically healthy

Outpatient participation includes:

  • One clinical visit
  • Interview, tests of learning and memory
  • Brain scan (without radiation)

Study participants do not need a diagnosis; study participation is symptom-based. This study has parts that can be done remotely and parts that are conducted at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. (Metro Red Line, Medical Center Stop).

Participants get a detailed assessment, clinical feedback, diagnosis or referrals and resources. Compensation up to $180 is paid for participation. Parent(s) and child must agree to participation.

For more information contact the research team, email ( or call 301-827-7077 [TTY: 711].

Study Identifiers

  • NIMH Protocol Number: 20-HG-0147
  • Study Number: 04631042 

Investigator(s): Tonya Jo Hanson White, M.D., Ph.D.