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Twitter Chat on Teen Depression


May 3, 2018



On Thursday, May 3, 2018, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) hosted a Twitter chat on teen depression with NIMH experts, Dr. Argyris Stringaris and Dr. Ken Towbin.
 Join us in 5 minutes for a Twitter chat on teen depression. Use #NIMHchats  to follow and ask questions! 
Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 

  Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov  
If you want to tweet us questions during the chat, please make sure your Twitter account isn’t private. #NIMHchats  

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
We may collect, save, and post transcripts from our Twitter chats on our website. See our privacy policy: #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Please respect others and stay on the Twitter chat topic. See our comment policy: #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Please follow our tweets on our Twitter page @NIMHgov  or use a Twitter management tool to view all the #NIMHchats  tweets.

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Please note that NIMH is a federal research agency. We are not able to provide specific medical advice. #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
If you’re in a crisis and need help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline available 24/7: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). All calls are free and confidential. #NIMHchats  @800273TALK 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
For specific medical advice, please consult a health care provider. Use these resources to find help for you, a friend, or a family member:  #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Welcome to our teen depression Twitter chat! We’re hosting this chat in recognition of Children's Mental Health Awareness Week. #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
We’re using the hashtag #NIMHchats  for today’s discussion. Please include it in all of your tweets!

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
We’re joined by two NIMH experts: Dr. Argyris Stringaris, Chief of the Mood Brain and Development Unit and Dr. Ken Towbin, Chief of the Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program at NIMH. #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Who else do we have joining us today? #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health CO@CO_MentalHealth 
Mental Health Colorado is joining the teen depression Twitter chat in honor of #MentalHealthMonth  #StartsWithKids  #NIMHchats… 

@NIMHgov  Rachael with Mvskoke Nation Youth Services in Oklahoma! #NIMHchats 

 SMART Project at Northwestern@SMART_squad 
@NIMHgov  The SMART Project at Northwestern University here! We're an online health study for gay, bi, and queer teen guys. #NIMHchats 

 Amer Acad Pediatrics@AmerAcadPeds 
@NIMHgov  AAP is here with #Tweetiatricians ! Representing 66,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of all children. #NIMHchats 

 UCSF Osher Center@ucsfosher 
@NIMHgov  The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at UCSF is here! #NIMHchats 

@ResearchAmerica  here, looking forward to today's chat! #NIMHchats… 

 LA Mental Health@LACDMH 
@NIMHgov  LA County Dept of Mental Health here; hello & thanks for hosting #NIMHchats 

@NIMHgov  .@NIMHgov  Hello from MindMap CT. We are a program focused on psychosis early intervention in #NewHaven  #Connecticut  #NIMHchats 

@NIMHgov  PracticeGround here! We supply awesome continuing education courses for therapists. Excited to be part of the chat! #NIMHchats 

 Margaret Stager, MD@DrStager 
@NIMHgov  Hello from @metrohealthCLE  in Cleveland! Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine #NIMHchats 

#NIMHchats  is happening right now! 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
We’ll start by defining depression and then discussing signs and symptoms. In 15 minutes, Drs. Stringaris and Towbin will take your questions. Remember to use #NIMHchats  to follow the conversation and ask questions. #NIMHchats 


 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Let's get started! Q1: What is depression? #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A1: During your teenage years, changes are taking place in your body and brain that can affect how you learn, think, and behave. And if you’re facing tough or stressful situations, it’s normal to have emotional ups and downs. #NIMHchats  (1/2)

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A1: But if you’ve been overwhelmingly sad for a long time (a couple of weeks to months) and the things you usually enjoy no longer bring you much satisfaction, you may want to talk to a trusted adult. It could be you’re having an episode of depression. #NIMHchats  (2/2)

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A1: Depression (major depressive disorder) is a medical illness that can cause symptoms that interfere with one’s daily activities—such as sleeping, eating, or concentrating on school work. #NIMHchats  (1/2) 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A1: Depression impacts how a person thinks about his or her abilities and future. For some people, depression can result in severe impairments that interfere with or limit one’s ability to carry out major life activities.  #NIMHchats  (2/2) 
A1: Depression is a serious medical illness. It's more than just a feeling of being sad or "blue" for a few days. It is an intense feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and anger or frustration that lasts much longer. Learn more:…  #NIMHchats 

 SMART Project at Northwestern@SMART_squad 
A1: Depression is a mood disorder characterized by symptoms such as feelings of hopelessness, irritability, appetite changes, decreased energy, and so much more. Often, depression shows differently in adults versus teens #NIMHchats 

 Amer Acad Pediatrics@AmerAcadPeds 
A1: While all of us are subject to “the blues,” clinical depression is a serious medical condition requiring immediate treatment. Learn more here: #NIMHchats…… 

A1: Depression is the leading cause of disability internationally. #NIMHchats 

A1: More than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression around the world, and it can lead to suicide.  #NIMHchats 

 HHS OASH Region II@HHS_HealthReg2 
#Depression  is a serious medical illness that involves the brain. It's more than just a feeling of being "down in the dumps" or "blue" for a few days. #NIMHchats 

A1: #Depression  is a medical condition that affects about 1 in 10 U.S. adults. Mood, thoughts, physical health, and behavior all may be affected. The symptoms and severity of depression can vary from person to person. #NIMHchats… 

A1: #Depression  can affect people of all ages. It can interfere with work, home, & social activities.If you feel u may have depression, talk with your health care provider.There are effective treatments, including antidepressants & talk therapy.  #NIMHchats… 


 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Q2: What are some of the signs and symptoms of depression in teens? #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A2: It’s normal to feel sad after a loss or setback. Feeling sad at times is something everyone experiences–but it usually passes after a short time. Depression is different. #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A2: Symptoms of depression may include feeling sad or more irritable than usual on most days. This mood change goes along with not feeling much pleasure in activities you used to enjoy. #NIMHchats  (1/4)… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A2: Along with these mood features and loss of pleasure there are changes in thinking—seeing things as more hopeless, thinking you’re worthless or helpless, and feeling guilty about things. #NIMHchats  (2/4)… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A2: There also are physical changes such as too much or too little eating, too much or too little sleeping, and having less energy. (3/4) #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A2: If you’re always feeling tired or restless; have trouble concentrating, remembering information, or making decisions; or have aches, pains, or stomach problems without a clear cause, these could also be signs of depression. #NIMHchats  (4/4)… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A2: People may find they are spending more time alone, withdrawing from friends and family, and having trouble with school and work. They also may think things won’t get any better and they think about death or wish they were never born. #NIMHchats… 

 SMART Project at Northwestern@SMART_squad 
A2: Some signs in teens include tiredness, isolation, poor school performance, disruptive or risky behavior, and body aches/headaches. #NIMHchats 

 Amer Acad Pediatrics@AmerAcadPeds 
A2: Some signs of depression can occur in teens who are not depressed, such as moodiness and change in sleeping. But when seen together, nearly every day, they are red flags for depression. Learn the signs and how to help from @healthychildren . #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A2: Another possible symptom of depression is thinking about harming yourself, dying, or suicide. If you’re in a crisis and need help, call this toll-free number available 24/7: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). All calls are confidential. #NIMHchats  @800273TALK… 

Join now to talk about children's #mentalhealth ! #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A2: The @CrisisTextLine  is another free and confidential resource available 24/7 when you’re in crisis, which is any painful emotion for which you need support. Text “HOME” to 741741 in the United States to be connected to a Crisis Counselor over text message. #NIMHchats… 
A2: If you have depression, you have one or more of these symptoms most of the time: •Sadness •Feeling of emptiness •Hopelessness •Being angry, irritable, or frustrated, even at minor things #NIMHchats…… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A2: Remember, not everyone who is depressed experiences every symptom. Some people experience only a few symptoms while others may experience many.  #NIMHchats… 

 Margaret Stager, MD@DrStager 
A2: Depression in teens can look different from adults. In boys you may see irritability, anger or increased agitation. In girls you may see withdrawal, Boredom, or "moodiness". They typically don't recognize the changes in themselves. #NIMHchats… 

@NIMHgov  Depressed mood, difficulty concentrating and lost of interest in activities that you used to enjoy can also be the some of the first signs of early #psychosis  #NIMHchats 

 LA Mental Health@LACDMH 
@NIMHgov  A2 also look for withdrawal or lack of interest in school, socializing with friends or participating in extracurricular activities (particularly ones they used to enjoy) #NIMHChats 

A2: Symptoms of depression include feeling sad or anxious often or all the time; not wanting to do activities that used to be fun; feeling irritable‚ easily frustrated‚ or restless; having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.  #NIMHchats 

@NIMHgov  Seeking help doesn't mean that you're weak. It means that you're taking care of yourself. Don't let the time pass by, ask for help from some someone you trust, a school counselor or general practitioner #NIMHchats  #psychosis 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
What are your questions about the signs and symptoms of depression in teenagers? #NIMHchats 

@NIMHgov  #NIMHchats  I don't know what not being depressed feels like, is it possible to be depressed for 50 yrs?

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
People can have low mood for a very long duration. It’s important to make the distinction between low mood and the full syndrome of depression. A mental health professional is in the best position to assess. Use these resources to find help:  #NIMHchats… 

What is the latest information linking depression and substance use in teens? #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
It’s a two-way street. Children with depression are at higher risk for abusing substances and children who abuse substances are at higher risk for becoming depressed. #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
We’ve received a lot of good questions! If we didn’t get to your question yet, please be patient. We’ll have more time at the end and we’ll try to answer as many as we can. #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Let’s move on to the risk factors and treatment options for depression in teenagers. #NIMHchats 


 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Q3: What are some of the risk factors for teens with depression? #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A3: Current research suggests that depression is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A3: Depression can happen at any age, including adolescence. For many adults who have mental disorders, symptoms were present—but often not recognized or addressed—in childhood and youth.  #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A3: Other risk factors in depression may include: Past episodes of depression; family history of depression; major life changes, trauma, or stress; physical illnesses; substance abuse, and even some medications. #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A3: For more general information on depression, visit NIMH’s health topic page:  #NIMHchats… 
A3: Depression can happen at any age but often begins in the teens or early adulthood. Certain teens are at higher risk of depression, such as those who have had trauma in childhood, have a family conflicts. Read more on which teens are at risk:  #NIMHchats 

Risk factors for depression in adolescents include: 
Personal or family history of depression 
Major life changes, trauma, or stress 
Certain physical illnesses and medications…  #NIMHchats  #MentalHealthAwareness… 

A3: "Some estimates show that 60% of those with anxiety will also have symptoms of depression, and the numbers are similar for those with depression also experiencing anxiety." – @NAMICommunicate  #NIMHchats 

 HHS OASH Region II@HHS_HealthReg2 
Childhood trauma signs for middle and high school children include: feeling depressed or alone, developing eating disorders or self-harming behaviors, beginning abusing alcohol or drugs, and becoming involved in risky sexual behavior. #NIMHchats 

 HHS OASH Region II@HHS_HealthReg2 
Risk factors for teen #depression  include: brain chemicals – too much or too little of certain chemicals can cause depression; family history - life events – death or divorce, etc.; or, some medications have negative side effects that cause depression. #NIMHchats 


 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Q4: What are some of the treatments available for teens with depression? #NIMHchats 
A4: Talk therapy, can help you understand and manage your feelings. You can talk out your emotions to someone who understands and supports you. This will help you build confidence and feel better about yourself. Learn more:  #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A4: If you think you might have depression, you should know that you are not alone, and depression is treatable. It’s OK to ask for help! #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A4: The first step is to try talking to a trusted adult, such as your parent/guardian, a teacher, your pediatrician or family medical doctor, or a school counselor. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to an adult, try talking to a friend. #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A4: If you’re not sure where to turn, you can use @SafePlace ’s TXT 4 HELP which is a 24-hour-text-for-support service for teens in crisis. Text the word “safe” and your current location (address, city, state) to 4HELP (44357).  #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A4: If you’re under the age of 18, ask your parent/guardian to help you get an appointment with your doctor for an evaluation. Afterward, your doctor may talk to you about possibly seeing a mental health provider. #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A4: Parents, it’s important to know that it can be hard to talk about depression. Children and teenagers usually rely on parents, teachers, or other caregivers to recognize the signs and help them get the treatment they need. #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A4: If you or someone you know has depression, there are ways to get help. Use these resources to find help for you, a friend, or a family member:  #NIMHchats… 

 HHS OASH Region II@HHS_HealthReg2 
The first step to treatment for #depression  is to talk with a healthcare provider to get an evaluation. #NIMHchats 

A4: "Treatment selection depends on the type and severity of your teenager's symptoms. A combination of talk therapy (psychotherapy) and medication can be very effective for most teens with depression." – @MayoClinic  #NIMHchats 

 Amer Acad Pediatrics@AmerAcadPeds 
A4: One in every five teens experiences depression, but it often goes undiagnosed and untreated. We recommend screening for depression as a routine part of a teenager's regular check-up. Learn more about our new guidelines: #NIMHchats…… 

 HHS OASH Region II@HHS_HealthReg2 
Consultation w/ a doctor can help determine if meds should be part of the treatment. A #mentalhealth  professional can develop a therapy plan that works best for the child & family. Behavior therapy includes child therapy, family therapy, or a combination of both. #NIMHchats 

 SMART Project at Northwestern@SMART_squad 
A4: If you need someone to talk to right now, @CrisisTextLine  (741741) and @TrevorProject  (866-488-7386) are here for confidential support 24/7 #nimhchats 

 HHS OASH Region II@HHS_HealthReg2 
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one form of therapy that is used to treat anxiety or #depression , particularly in older children. It helps the child change negative thoughts into more positive, effective ways of thinking, leading to more effective behavior. #NIMHchats 

 HHS OASH Region II@HHS_HealthReg2 
Treatments for #depression  can also include a variety of ways to help the child feel less stressed and be healthier like nutritious food, physical activity, sufficient sleep, predictable routines, and social support. #NIMHchats 
A4: In some cases, your MD will suggest medicines along w/ talk therapy. There are a few antidepressants that have been widely studied & proven to help teens. If you are taking medicine for depression, it is important to see your MD regularly  #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Do you have questions about the risk factors and treatment options for teenagers with depression? #NIMHchats 

@NIMHgov  how do we build #resilience  for children who are living in chronically stressful life situations? #NIMHchats  @batchelorshow  @maddow 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
There are strategies & ways of thinking that can help build resilience in children who reside in stressful life situations. Sometimes these strategies can be delivered in individual psychotherapy using cognitive and behavioral techniques. #NIMHchats  (1/2)… 

 Reenie Reid@ReenieReid1 
@NIMHgov  Is TMS therapy approved for teens #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
TMS is transcranial magnetic stimulation. Research using this method is ongoing, but it is not FDA approved for teenagers. #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health Awareness@mentalhealth_97 
@NIMHgov  would the DR’s consider it okay for someone under 18 to have been on and off 15 different kinds of anti depressants and still feeling suicidal with no real help? #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
No, we do not consider it OK. If someone is feeling suicidal, they should consider calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline available 24/7: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). All calls are free and confidential. #NIMHchats  @800273TALK… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Bipolar disorder and major depression are what we call “episodic” conditions, which means they may arise and remit spontaneously. You can learn more about all of these disorders on the NIMH website:  #NIMHchats… 

 Reenie Reid@ReenieReid1 
When I take my teen to her psychiatrist all the Dr. wants to do is talk about her medication. Is that normal? My daughter will ask her a question and she will say “ how does this impact your medication”. Should I look for a new doctor? @#NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
1st line treatments for depression are psychological as well as pharmacological. Perhaps the Dr. works w/ someone who would deliver psychological treatment while the Dr. manages the medication. For more info on mental health medications, visit  #NIMHchats… 

@NIMHgov  #NIMHchats  I know that most of the time, symptoms are not often seen by parents with children being affected by depression. How do you recommend getting more awareness on the subject? Especially to parents?

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
We hope that events like this Twitter chat will help inform parents about signs to watch for. We also share information via our website, brochures, conferences, and events:  #NIMHchats… 

 UCSF Osher Center@ucsfosher 
@NIMHgov  Thank you so much for hosting this Twitter chat on such an important topic! It has been our pleasure to participate. #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Parental depression is a risk factor for depression in the offspring. It is not a certainty that a child of a depressed parent will develop depression. #NIMHchats… 

If you're concerned about your relationship with food or body image, you are not alone. Help is available. Get screened today:  #nimhchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Some pediatricians are very comfortable assessing mental health questions, but many prefer to refer their patients to a mental health professional. Use @samhsagov 's treatment locator to find a mental health professional in your area:  #NIMHchats… 

 HHS OASH Region II@HHS_HealthReg2 
The @CDCgov  has a great webpage on Children’s #MentalHealth  that covers the basics,… . #NIMHchats 

 HHS OASH Region II@HHS_HealthReg2 
The @samhsagov  addresses #mentalhealth  & has a great webpage on Caring for Every Child Mental Health, . #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
While depression is a risk factor for suicide, not all cases of suicide are the result of depression. For information on warning signs visit  #NIMHchats… 


 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Last question! Q5: What can I do if someone I know might have depression or is considering suicide? #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A5: If you think your friend might have depression, first help him or her talk to a trusted adult who can connect your friend to a health professional. Be supportive, patient and encouraging even if you don’t fully understand what’s going on. #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A5: Never ignore or minimize comments about death and suicide, even if it seems like a joke or overdramatic. Talking about suicide should be taken seriously. Talk to a trusted adult such as a parent, teacher, or older sibling right away. #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A5: You can also call this toll-free # available 24/7: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). All calls are confidential #NIMHchats  @800273TALK… 

 HHS OASH Region II@HHS_HealthReg2 
A great resource is the National #Suicide  Prevention Lifeline, @800273TALK , . #NIMHchats 

 Amer Acad Pediatrics@AmerAcadPeds 
A5: It's important to learn about the factors that can put a teen at risk for suicide. The more you know, the better prepared you’ll be to help. Ten things parents can do to prevent suicide: #NIMHchats…… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A5: The @CrisisTextLine  is another free and confidential resource available 24/7 when you’re in crisis, which is any painful emotion for which you need support. Text “HOME” to 741741 in the United States to be connected to a Crisis Counselor over text message. #NIMHchats… 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A5: If you see messages or live streaming suicidal behavior on social media, call 911 immediately, contact the toll-free National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at @800273TALK  or text the Crisis Text Line (text “HOME” to 741741). #NIMHchats… 

 HHS OASH Region II@HHS_HealthReg2 
The National Helpline is free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and info service,… . #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
A5: Some social media sites have a process to report suicidal content & get help. It’s still important to call 911 if someone is posting suicidal messages or something disturbing on social media. Even strangers have saved lives by being vigilant:  #NIMHchats… 

 HHS OASH Region II@HHS_HealthReg2 
If you think you may hurt yourself or attempt #suicide , call 911 or your local emergency number immediately. #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Part of our research at NIMH is to better understand how brain function differs in people who have depression. We hope that research will help us understand how different treatments work and which work best for each individual with depression. #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
You may qualify to participate in a clinical research study on depression at NIMH:  #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Concerned about your teen’s depression? Research study enrolling ages 11-17 for evaluations and treatment.  #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Missed today’s chat? You can learn more about teen depression here:  #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
An archive of this chat will be available on our website later this week: #NIMHchats 

 Mental Health NIMH@NIMHgov 
Thank you for participating in our Twitter chat today! Please continue the conversation and share your thoughts. #NIMHchats