Archived Content
The National Institute of Mental Health archives materials that are over 4 years old and no longer being updated. The content on this page is provided for historical reference purposes only and may not reflect current knowledge or information.
PsychENCODE Consortium Investigators’ Workshop
The NIMH Office of Genomics Research Coordination hosted the annual PsychENCODE Consortium (PEC) investigators’ workshop. Attendees presented current research findings, discussed data coordination and sharing, publication policies, and future milestones for the consortium. The PEC consists of 15 research sites and is the largest collaborative effort to; map genomic regulatory elements across cell types in human brain, and develop molecular models of neuropsychiatric disease. Since 2014, the PEC has generated and analyzed genomic datasets from approximately 2,200 brains that span developmental stages and psychiatric phenotypes. Recent findings from the PEC include the discovery of the relationship between chromatin conformation and gene regulation in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.