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and treatment of mental illnesses.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic-depressive illness, is a mood disorder that causes unusual shifts in a person’s mood, energy, activity levels, concentration, and ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. The mood shifts in bipolar disorder are different from normal ups and downs — they include periods of extremely “up,” elated, irritable, or energized behavior (known as manic episodes) and very “down,” sad, indifferent, or hopeless periods (known as depressive episodes). Learn more about bipolar disorder.

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Featured Studies

Featured studies include only those currently recruiting participants. Studies with the most recent start date appear first.

Natural History of Depression, Bipolar Disorder and Suicide Risk 

Start Date: September 9, 2024
Eligibility: 18 Years to 120 Years, f
Location(s): National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, United States

Mood disorders, such as depression and bipolar disorder, are difficult to treat. One reason is that there are no objective ways to measure how these disorders affect the body and respond to different treatments. In this study, researchers want to perform tests on people undergoing clinical care for mood disorders. The purpose is to understand the experience of receiving treatment for depression, bipolar disorder, and suicide risk. We also hope that this study will help us to predict which medications will improve thoughts of suicide.

People 18 years or older who are receiving treatment for depression, bipolar disorder, or suicide risk may take part in this study. Participants must have also been enrolled in protocol 01-M-0254.

This study will be conducted at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD. The study typically lasts up to 12 weeks, but may last longer if a participant s treatment continues past that time.

Participants will have weekly interviews and questionnaires while they are being treated for their mood disorder. Other tests are optional and include psychological testing, blood draws, sleep tests, and imaging scans. These will be done at the start and the end of research participation.

Correcting Circadian Rhythms to Breakthrough in Bipolar Disorder 

Start Date: August 13, 2024
Eligibility: 18 Years to 60 Years, f
Location(s): University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

The purpose of this study is to test whether a dietary supplement (low-dose melatonin) commonly used to treat night owls, administered in conjunction with a behavioral sleep intervention, will help to shift the brain clock earlier and improve mood and sleep in bipolar disorder. Eligible participants will be randomized to receive melatonin plus a behavioral sleep intervention or placebo plus a behavioral sleep placebo.

The hypotheses for this study include:

* Melatonin plus behavioral sleep intervention (compared to placebo plus behavioral sleep placebo) will produce a greater advance of dim light melatonin onset (DLMO), between pre- and post-treatment. * Melatonin (compared to placebo) will produce a greater reduction in Patient Health Questionnaire-9 score between pre- and post-treatment.

Enhanced Coordinated Specialty Care for Early Psychosis 

Start Date: February 1, 2024
Eligibility: Age N/A, f
Location(s): McLean Hospital OnTrack Clinic, Belmont, Massachusetts, United States; Massachusetts General Hospital FEPP Clinic, Boston, Massachusetts, United States

The goal of this clinical trial is to compare engagement in treatment in coordinated specialty care (CSC) to five extra care elements (CSC 2.0) in first-episode psychosis. The main question it aims to answer is:

• Does the addition of certain elements of care increase the number of visits in treatment for first-episode psychosis?

Participants will either:

* Receive care as usual (CSC) or * Receive care as usual (CSC) plus five additional care elements (CSC 2.0):

1. Individual peer support 2. Digital outreach 3. Care coordination 4. Multi-family group therapy 5. Cognitive remediation

Researchers will compare the standard of care (CSC) to CSC 2.0 to see if participants receiving CSC 2.0 have more visits to their clinic in their first year.

NIMH Rhythms and Blues Study: A Prospective Natural History Study of Motor Activity, Mood States, and Bipolar Disorder 

Start Date: November 3, 2023
Eligibility: 12 Years to 70 Years, t
Location(s): National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, United States


Mood disorders, such as bipolar disorder, can have serious effects on a person s life. People with bipolar disorder are more likely to have heart disease and abuse substances. In this natural history study, researchers would like to learn more about the connection between exercise and mental health in people with and without mood disorders.


To better understand relationships among physical activity, sleep, and mental health.


People aged 12 to 60 years with a history of a mood disorder. Healthy spouses and relatives with no mood disorders are also needed.


Participants will be in the study up to 2 years.

For up to 20 days in a row, at 4 times during the study, participants will:

Complete an electronic diary on their smartphone. Participants will answer questions about their mood, health, sleep, and daily activities.

Wear an activity monitor, like a wristwatch, that records how much they move.

Wear a light sensor, as a necklace, to record the amount of light in their environment.

Some participants will do additional tests. Twice during the study, for 3 days in a row, they will:

Wear monitors to record their temperature, heart rate, and sleep.

Provide saliva samples.

Complete cognitive tasks on their smartphone.

Participants will visit the NIH clinic 2 times. They will have a physical exam, with blood and urine tests. They will wear a heart monitor. They will ride a stationary bike for 30 minutes. They may have an imaging scan.

Some participants will stay overnight. They will go to sleep wearing a cap to measure their brain activity.

Alpha-Amino-3-Hydroxy-5-Methyl-4- Isoxazole Propionic Acid Receptor Components of the Anti-Depressant Ketamine Response 

Start Date: September 7, 2023
Eligibility: 18 Years to 60 Years, f
Location(s): Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, United States

The proposed study will assess the combined effect of perampanel and ketamine on the anti-depressant response in individuals with treatment resistant depression. The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that stimulation of Alpha-Amino-3-Hydroxy-5-Methyl-4- Isoxazole Propionic Acid receptors (AMPAR) is critical to the anti-depressant response of ketamine.

EPI-MINN: Targeting Cognition and Motivation - National 

Start Date: May 30, 2023
Eligibility: 15 Years to 40 Years, f
Location(s): University of Minnesota Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

The purpose of this study is to perform a practice-based research project designed to assess whether cognition and motivated behavior in early psychosis can be addressed as key treatment goals within real-world settings by using a 12-week mobile intervention program. We will recruit participants who are receiving care for early psychosis from clinics across the United States. We will compare outcomes from participants who receive treatment at coordinated specialty care (CSC) early psychosis clinics to those that receive standard community care. A qualifying CSC program will provide comprehensive clinical services such as psychotherapy, medication management, psychoeducation, and work or education support. This study will be conducted remotely, and participants can participate at home with their own electronic devices.

The aim of this study is to investigate a well-defined 12-week mobile intervention program specifically designed to target cognitive functioning and motivated behavior for individuals with early psychosis. Participants will complete a screening interview which will include diagnosis and symptom ratings, neurocognitive assessment, and self-reports of symptoms, behavior, and functioning. Then participants will be randomized to receive the 12-week mobile intervention, or an active control of treatment as usual. The investigators will test for differences in the clinical trajectories after training, and at two follow up appointments at 6 and 12 months post-training.

Biomarkers/Biotypes, Course of Early Psychosis and Specialty Services 

Start Date: January 1, 2023
Eligibility: 18 Years to 35 Years, f
Location(s): University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, United States; University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, United States; Hartford Hospital, Hartford, Connecticut, United States; University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, United States; Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, United States; McLean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts, United States

The Biomarkers/Biotypes, Course of Early Psychosis and Specialty Services (BICEPS) study aims to understand the early stages of psychotic disorders like Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Bipolar I Disorder. It involves gathering mental health information, brain scans (MRI), eye movement patterns (Eye-Tracking), and brain electrical waves (EEG) data from individuals who have experienced these disorders in recent years. Participants will be involved for about a year, with four visits over this period. Screening procedures, lasting approximately 3 hours, include tests for drug use, a pregnancy test for eligible women, clinical interviews about feelings and experiences, psychiatric and family history interviews, and a medical history review. Research procedures for eligible participants include DNA collection, a neuropsychological test battery, EEG, eye-tracking, and MRI. These procedures will help researchers understand brain function, genetics, and cognitive abilities related to psychotic disorders. Follow-up visits at 1-month, 6-month, and 12-month intervals involve modified clinical interviews and repeating neuropsychological tests to track changes over time. Participants may opt to provide DNA samples for genetic analysis, undergo various cognitive tests, EEG to record brain waves, eye-tracking to monitor eye movements, and MRI scans to visualize brain structure. Follow-up visits at regular intervals will help researchers track changes in symptoms and cognitive function. This study provides comprehensive insight into the onset and progression of psychotic disorders and offers valuable information for patients, families, and healthcare providers involved in managing these conditions. Our goal is to better understand whether a combination of biological markers and different types of people (BT1, BT2, BT3) can help us predict how well individuals with early psychosis respond to specialized care. We expect that those in BT3 will have the best outcomes, BT2 will have intermediate outcomes, and BT1 will have the poorest outcomes. Even though BT1 and BT2 might start with similar cognitive issues, their biology might lead to different responses to treatment. This research can help us understand which treatments work best for different people with early psychosis.

Transcranial Electric Stimulation Therapy (TEST) for Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) 

Start Date: November 8, 2022
Eligibility: 25 Years to 64 Years, f
Location(s): National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, United States


People with TRD are often helped by electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). But ECT can affect memory and thinking. Researchers want to study a treatment called TEST that uses less electricity.


To study the safety and feasibility of TEST and assess its antidepressant effects.


Adults aged 25-64 with major depression that has not been relieved by current treatments.


Participants will be admitted to the NIH Clinical Center for 5-18 weeks over 2-3 treatment phases. Their medications may be adjusted.

Participants will be interviewed about their depression, side effects, and other treatments they are receiving. They will complete questionnaires. They will give blood and urine samples. Their brain waves and heart rhythm will be recorded. They will take tests of memory, attention, mental functioning, and thinking.

Participants will have magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the head and brain. They will lie on a table that slides in and out of the scanner. Pictures of brain chemicals will also be taken. They may complete tasks during the MRI.

Participants will receive TEST and/or sham treatments. They may receive optional ECT. An intravenous catheter will be placed in an arm vein to receive general anesthesia. Two electrodes will be placed on the front of their head. An electric current will be passed from the ECT machine through the electrodes. For sham treatments, they will not receive the electric current. Their breathing, heart rate, brain function, blood pressure, and body movements will be measured.

Participants will have 7 follow-up visits over 6 months. Visits can be done via telehealth.

Participation will last for up to 42 weeks.

Academic-Community EPINET (AC-EPINET) 

Start Date: March 16, 2022
Eligibility: 16 Years to 35 Years, f
Location(s): Early Psychosis Intervention Clinic-New Orleans (EPIC-NOLA) - Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States; Program for Risk Evaluation and Prevention (PREP) - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States; Strong Ties Young Adults Program- University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York, United States; The Early Psychosis Intervention Center (EPICENTER) at Ohio State, Columbus, Ohio, United States; Vanderbilt's Early Psychosis Program - Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States; Prevention and Recovery Center for Early Psychosis, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

The investigators propose to examine the effects of CSC services delivered via TH (CSC-TH) versus the standard clinic-based CSC model (CSC-SD) on engagement and outcomes in a 12-month, randomized trial.

Effectiveness RCT of Customized Adherence Enhancement 

Start Date: February 1, 2022
Eligibility: 18 Years to 89 Years, f
Location(s): MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio, United States; The Nord Center, Lorain, Ohio, United States

Approximately one in two individuals with bipolar disorder (BD) are non-adherent with medication, often leading to severe and negative consequences. Unfortunately, there is no widely used evidence-based approach to target poor adherence among individuals with BD. Building upon positive efficacy trial results, the proposed project will test the effectiveness of technology-facilitated Customized Adherence Enhancement (CAE) vs. enhanced treatment as usual (eTAU) using a prospective randomized controlled design in public mental health care settings and preferentially enrolling poorly adherent/high-risk individuals with BD. Deliverables include a curriculum-driven adherence enhancement approach that can be implemented in public healthcare settings and which can improve outcomes for the most vulnerable groups of people with BD.

Effects of Theta Burst Stimulation on the Brain, Behavior, and Clinical Symptoms in Adults with Bipolar Disorder 

Start Date: April 6, 2021
Eligibility: 18 Years to 35 Years, t
Location(s): University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a common and highly debilitating psychiatric disorder, however, the predisposing brain mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, the investigators aim to examine the immediate effect of transcranial brain stimulation (TBS) on brain activity and emotions in adults with and without BD as a first stage toward understanding the predisposing brain mechanisms of BD. The investigators hypothesize that TBS will reduce brain activity while playing a game with rewards in all adults, but the TBS will reduce brain activity more in the adults with BD compared to adults without BD. Furthermore, the investigators hypothesize that this reduced brain activity will be associated with reduced BD symptoms, such as negative emotions.

Multi-modal Assessment of Gamma-aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Function in Psychosis 

Start Date: January 16, 2020
Eligibility: 16 Years to 60 Years, t
Location(s): University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

The purpose of this study is to better understand mental illness and will test the hypotheses that while viewing affective stimuli, patient groups will show increased blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal by fMRI after lorazepam.

This study will enroll participants between the ages of 16 and 60, who have a psychotic illness (such as psychosis which includes conditions like schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and mood disorders). The study will also enroll eligible participants without any psychiatric illness, to compare their brains.

The study will require participants to have 3-4 sessions over a few weeks. The initial assessments (may be over two visits) will include a diagnostic interview and several questionnaires (qols) to assess eligibility. Subsequently, there will will be two separate functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) sessions in which lorazepam or placebo will be given prior to the MRI. During the fMRI the participants will also be asked to answer questions. Additionally, the participants will have their blood drawn, women of child bearing potential will have a urine pregnancy test, vital signs taken, and asked to complete more qols.

Evaluation of Patients With Mood and Anxiety Disorders and Healthy Volunteers 

Start Date: February 2, 2001
Eligibility: 3 Years to 99 Years, t
Location(s): National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, United States

The purpose of this protocol is to allow for the careful screening of patients and healthy volunteers for participation in research protocols in the Experimental Therapeutics and Pathophysiology Lab (ETPB) at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and for the collection of natural history data. In addition the protocol will allow clinicians to gain more experience in the use of a variety of polysomnographic and high-density EEG recordings. Subjects in this protocol will undergo an evaluation which may include: a psychiatric interview; a diagnostic interview; rating scales; a medical history; a physical exam; brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); electroencephalography (EEG); electrocardiography (EKG), magnetoencephalography (MEG); blood, saliva and urine laboratory evaluation; and a request for medical records. Subjects may also be asked to complete questionnaires about attitudes towards research and motivation for research participation. The data collected may also be linked with data from other mood and anxiety disorder protocols (e.g., brain imaging, DNA, psychophysiology tests, treatment studies, etc) for the purposes of better understanding the diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment response of patients with mood disorders. Parents of minors will be interviewed. Upon conclusion of the screening process, subjects will either be offered participation in a research protocol and will sign the appropriate informed consent, or will be considered not appropriate for participation in research and will be referred back into the community. The current protocol thus serves as an entry point for individuals with mood or anxiety disorders or healthy volunteers to enter NIMH IRB approved ETPB protocols.

Evaluation of the Genetics of Bipolar Disorder 

Start Date: August 11, 1994
Eligibility: 18 Years to 100 Years, t
Location(s): National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, United States

This study looks to identify genes that may affect a person's chances of developing bipolar disorder (BP) and related conditions.