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Transforming the understanding
and treatment of mental illnesses.

Digital Shareables on Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Use these resources to raise awareness about the importance of child and adolescent mental health.

Use these resources to raise awareness about children and adolescent mental health care and treatment

Mental health is an important part of overall health for children and adolescents. Many adults with mental disorders had symptoms that were not recognized or addressed in childhood or adolescence.

Help raise awareness about the importance of children’s mental health and early diagnosis and treatment by sharing information and materials based on the latest research.

Share these graphics and social media messages

Download and share these messages to help spread the word about child and adolescent mental health. You can copy and paste the text and graphic into a tweet, email, or post. We encourage you to use the hashtag #shareNIMH in your social media posts to connect with people and organizations with similar goals. For more ideas on how to use these resources, visit our help page.

Group of happy children. Points to

Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Help raise awareness about the importance of child and adolescent mental health by sharing informational materials based on the latest research. Share science. Share hope.  #shareNIMH

Parent talking with child who is holding head in hands with message “Is this just a stage? Know when to seek help for your child.” Points to

Children and Mental Health

Disponible en español

It can be tough to tell if troubling behavior in a child or teen is just part of growing up or a problem that should be discussed with a health care provider. Learn more about warning signs:  #shareNIMH

Presents information about how to recognize the symptoms of depression and how to get help.

Teen Depression

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Being a teenager can be tough, but it shouldn’t feel hopeless. Check your symptoms, and find out what you can do if you think you might have depression.  #shareNIMH

Presents information about stress, anxiety, and ways to cope when feeling overwhelmed.

I’m So Stressed Out!

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Life can be stressful. If you are struggling to cope, or the symptoms of your stress or anxiety won’t go away, it could affect your health. Learn more at . #shareNIMH

Group of high school graduates

The Teen Brain is Resilient

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Did you know that big and important changes are happening in the brain during adolescence? Here are 7 things you should know about the teen brain:  #shareNIMH

Illustration of a young person on a swing with message “All young people have highs and lows, but extreme swings in mood and energy may be a sign of bipolar disorder. Points to

Know the Signs of Bipolar Disorder

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Bipolar disorder is not the same as the typical ups and downs every kid goes through, but with help, children and teens can manage their symptoms and lead successful lives. Learn more at  #shareNIMH

Infographic presents common signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder in teens and young adults. Full content: HHS NIH logos. National Institute of Mental Health.

Bipolar Disorder in Teens and Young Adults

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Bipolar disorder is a serious mental disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, marked by episodes of mania and depression. Know the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder in teens and young adults:  #shareNIMH

Illustration of caregiver behind child who is doing their homework with the message “Know how to help children and adolescents cope with disasters and other traumatic events.

Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Traumatic Events

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Learn what caregivers and family members can do to help children and adolescents cope with traumatic events.  #shareNIMH

Infographic presents information about how to assess your mental health and determine if you need help. Full content: HHS NIH logos. National Institute of Mental Health.

My Mental Health: Do I Need Help?

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Do you need help with your mental health? If you don't know where to start, this infographic may help guide you.  #shareNIMH

Nearly 1 in 5 U.S. Adults live with a mental illness. You are not alone. Learn how to get help. HHS NIH logos. National Institute of Mental Health.

Help for Mental Illnesses

Disponible en español

If you or someone you know has a mental illness, is struggling emotionally, or has concerns about their mental health, use these resources to find help for yourself, a friend, or a family member: . #shareNIMH

Use videos to educate others

Click the “Copy Link” link to post these videos on social media, or embed  them on your website.

Use these materials to educate kids about mental health

Print or order these educational tools to help teach kids about mental health and the brain. Resources are available in English and Spanish.

Learn more about children and adolescent mental health

Last Reviewed: April 2024