Using NIMH’s Digital Shareables
You can post our digital shareables on your social media channels, embed them on your website, or share them in your newsletter to help raise awareness about mental health in your community. Please use hashtag #shareNIMH to join the conversation.

Graphics and social media messages
Our social media messages and graphics have been reviewed and approved by experts at NIMH. To share a message, copy and paste the text into a tweet, email, or post. If you need to save the graphic, right-click it and select "save image as" to download the file to your computer.
We have created several videos that highlight NIMH research and scientific initiatives as well as educational videos about the signs and symptoms of mental disorders. You can share these videos directly from YouTube on social media, embed them on your websites, show them at events, or share them in a newsletter or email.
The digital shareables provide links to relevant brochures and fact sheets, which you can order or print. NIMH publications are available in English and Spanish.

The NIMH Statistics section features interactive data visualization tools and sharing capabilities. This section includes statistics on mental illnesses, including possible consequences of mental illnesses, such as suicide and disability. You can customize and incorporate NIMH statistics into your own materials (such as presentations, fact sheets, and webpages). You can also share on social media, and feature statistics in support of specific health observances.
Hashtags make it possible to easily find messages with a specific theme or content. Hashtags also allow you to see how many people are engaging with your content on social media. If you use our digital shareables, include #shareNIMH to help us track how these messages are shared.
Spanish-language resources/recursos en español
NIMH offers a variety of digital shareables that you can use in outreach efforts with Spanish-speaking communities.
El NIMH ofrece una variedad de recursos sobre la salud mental que puede compartir en sus esfuerzos de alcance a las comunidades hispanas.
All materials and graphics on the digital shareables pages may be copied, reproduced, or duplicated without permission. Please cite the National Institute of Mental Health as the source. Read our copyright policy to learn more about our guidelines for reusing NIMH content.
Last Reviewed: February 2024