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Transforming the understanding
and treatment of mental illnesses.

Anxiety and Related Disorders of Behavioral Dysregulation


This program supports research on the neural mechanisms and trajectories of anxiety disorders and associated disorders of behavioral dysregulation during development. The program supports research on a range of clinical symptoms and phenotypes including anxiety disorders (e.g., generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, panic disorder, agoraphobia, separation anxiety disorder, selective mutism), obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders (e.g. anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder), and related phenotypes and prodromes. Of interest are studies that examine the etiology, neurodevelopmental mechanisms, developmental course of, periods of vulnerability or sensitivity for, or risk processes related to the onset, progression, recurrence, and remission of these disorders and their relevant components. Of particular interest are studies that characterize the developmental trajectories of brain maturation and dimensions of behavior to understand the roots of mental illness; studies that identify sensitive periods for typical and atypical trajectories; studies that elucidate biomarkers and mechanisms of disease progression; studies delineating mechanisms of sex differences in the development of behavioral dysregulation; and studies that test integrative models incorporating multiple levels of analysis and RDoC approaches.


Laura Thomas, Ph.D.
Program Chief
6001 Executive Boulevard, MSC 9617