News and Multimedia Featuring DAR
Integrated Care for Depression Yields Extended Benefits, Malawi Study Shows• Research Highlight
An NIMH-funded study showed that incorporating depression treatment into care for chronic health conditions improved well-being for both patients and their families.
Intervention Reduces Likelihood of Developing Postpartum Anxiety and Depression by More Than 70%• Press Release
Results from a large clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health show that an intervention for anxiety provided to pregnant women living in Pakistan significantly reduced the likelihood of the women developing moderate-to-severe anxiety, depression, or both six weeks after birth.
Decades of Dedication and Collaboration: Unraveling the HIV Mystery• Feature Story
In celebration of NIMHs 75th anniversary, we reflect on decades of work by the institute to understand and eradicate HIV.
Blocking HIV Enzyme Reduces Infectivity and Slows Viral Rebound• Research Highlight
In this NIMH-funded study, researchers developed a compound that blocked an enzyme critical for forming HIV particles, which stopped the virus from correctly forming and becoming infectious.
HIV Can Persist for Years in Myeloid Cells of People on Antiretroviral Therapy• Press Release
A subset of white blood cells, known as myeloid cells, can harbor HIV in people who have been virally suppressed for years on antiretroviral therapy, according to findings from a small study supported by the National Institutes of Health.
Breaking Down Barriers to HIV Medication Access• Research Highlight
Researchers investigated whether home delivery of ART for a modest fee could help improve ART access and use, finding it resulted in increased viral suppression in participants compared with clinic-based medication distribution.
Long-acting antiretroviral therapy suppresses HIV among people with unstable housing, mental illnesses, substance use disorder• Press Release
A long-acting antiretroviral treatment given every four to eight weeks, and delivered with comprehensive support services, suppressed HIV in people who were previously not virologically suppressed.
Barriers and Supports to HIV Prevention Among Young Women in Kenya• Research Highlight
In a qualitative study supported by NIMH, researchers identified barriers and supports to Kenyan women’s use of PrEP, a highly effective medication to reduce HIV transmission.
T Cells Help HIV Enter and Persist in the Brain• Research Highlight
A recent NIMH-supported study sheds light on the role of a unique set of T cells in trafficking HIV infection into the brain and mediating the virus’ persistence there.
Researchers Use Exosome-Based Strategy to Block HIV in Mice• Press Release
In this NIMH-funded study, researchers used exosomes to deliver novel protein into the cells of mice infected with HIV. The protein attached to HIV’s genetic material and prevented it from replicating, resulting in reduced levels of HIV in the bone marrow, spleen, and brain.
Partner Violence and Elevated HIV Viral Load in South African Women• Research Highlight
New analysis suggests an association between intimate partner violence and elevated viral loads among postpartum women in South Africa.