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Transforming the understanding
and treatment of mental illnesses.

Implementation Science to Improve HIV Health


This program encourages research to inform and enhance the uptake, effectiveness, and implementation of evidence-based interventions currently available in the HIV care continuum. Studies will promote uptake and access to evidence-based interventions for HIV among populations at risk. Research proposals should reflect collaboration between researchers and other stakeholders.

Areas of Emphasis

Areas of programmatic interest include, but are not limited to:

  • The implementation of individual and/or combination evidence-based interventions designed to maximize HIV testing, linkage to HIV care, earlier treatment initiation, adherence, and engagement in HIV testing.
  • Studies that develop, test, and/or evaluate strategies that address key determinants of HIV health.
  • Research that aims to understand and/or address processes and mechanisms at multiple levels.
  • Strategies to enhance scale-up and/or sustainment of evidence-based interventions for HIV prevention, treatment, and retention.
  • Skillful use of pragmatic and/or adaptive study designs to answer questions relevant to real-world implementation of HIV interventions and strategies.
  • Studies that advance understanding of the mechanisms by which interventions or implementation strategies may work in some contexts but not others.


Suzanne Pollard, PhD
Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 761-6869