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RDoC Unit of Analysis: Paradigms
- 24 hour LD light/dark (LD) cycle (test for entrainment of rhythms)
- 2-step Task
- Ability to answer questions about the content of sentences and discourse
- Ability to distinguish between coherent and incoherent sentences and discourse
- acquired equivalence
- Actigraphy and other test of motor activity
- Actigraphy of human circadian rest-activity rhythms in the real world
- Action observation
- Action-Perception loops
- Acute melatonin suppression by light (relative index of the sensitivity of the circadian system to light, e.g. wavelength, intensity, duration curves)
- Antisaccade
- Armed bandit task
- Arousal threshold testing
- attentional blink and psychological refractory period paradigm
- attention blindness
- Attributions of contingent behavior
- Auditory arousal threshold
- Auditory masking
- auditory scene perception (e.g., streaming)
- AX-Continuous Performance Task/Dot Pattern Expectancy Task
- AX paradigms
- Backward masking
- Badre tasks
- Behavioral Approach Test
- Biological Motion discrimination (with and without emotion),
- Biological motion processing
- Bioluminscent/, fluorescent real-time gene expression imaging
- Bistability
- blocked channel-selection tasks
- Carbon dioxide challenge test
- Card choice/gambling task
- Cardiac Pre-ejection Period
- Categorization
- CELF Prosody
- Change detection tasks
- Chimeric tasks
- Coherent motion
- Cold Pressor Test
- Complex Span tasks
- computational linguistics
- Computer interface tasks
- Conditioning paradigms
- Conflicting and contralateral motor response task
- Contextual Threat
- Contour integration/interpolation
- Contrast sensitivity
- Cortisol awakening response
- Counterfactual learning
- Countermanding
- Cross-modal interactions
- Cross modality paradigms
- Cued stimulus-response reversal tasks
- Cue reactivity
- Cyberball
- Daily sleep diaries
- darkness (in humans)
- Delay discounting
- delayed match to non sample
- delayed match to sample
- delayed recall
- Detection and classification of semantic relationships between words
- Detection of speech in noise
- deterministic reinforcement learning
- devaluation
- Devaluation task
- Deviance detection
- dichotic listening
- Dim Light Melatonin Onset (DLMO, phase estimate)
- Directed facial action tasks expression: FACS and FACES coding system
- Directors Task
- Discrepancies in self and peer ratings [i.e., peer nomination]
- distraction paradigms (capture)
- Distress paradigms
- Drifting Double Bandit
- dual task paradigm
- Dual Task Paradigms
- Dunbar’s Intentionality Questionnaire
- Dynamic Social stimulus tasks
- Effort-Expenditure for Rewards Task
- Electroencephalography
- EEG and EMG recording
- Effort-related choice behavior (effort discounting)
- Electrodermal Responding
- Emotional face expression tests
- Emotional Stroop/emotional go/no-go
- Emotion expression identification
- Empathic Accuracy Tasks
- Eye-blink
- Eyelid closure
- Face feature manipulation
- Face identification
- Face priming tasks
- Faux Pas
- Fear conditioning
- Fear extinction
- Figure ground
- Finger Tapping Motor Sequence Task
- Fixed-Ratio Satiation Schedule
- Flanker
- Ford Corollary Discharge Paradigm
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging
- Gambling/guessing tasks
- Gating
- Gaze Cuing
- Go/Nogo
- Go-Before-You-Know
- Habit Learning Task
- Habit Task
- Heart rate variability (HRV)
- Hinting Task
- How/Why Task
- How component of Why/How Task
- Human-Computer interaction
- Identification of one’s own biological motion
- illusions of will
- Imitation
- Imitation of affect
- Implicit social perception tasks
- Indices of neural activity such as local field potentials and single neuron recordings
- inhibitory control
- Instrumental conditioning and all its variants
- inter-modal selective attention
- Irony comprehension
- Joint attention tasks
- Joy Stick manipulation (decoupling motor and sensory feedback)
- Kahneman-Spinner paradigm
- keep track task
- knot tying
- Koechlin paradigm
- Laboratory Temperament Assessment Battery
- Language vs. non-language discrimination
- Latency to persistent sleep
- Lateral facilitation
- Letter memory/running memory
- Letter Number Sequencing
- Libet’s Temporal Judgement
- light (in rodents)
- Linguistic corpus-based analyses of language output
- list and story learning
- Listening and reading times to critical words and regions in linguistic input
- Local computations
- Locomotor activity
- Longitudinal Actigraphy
- long-term probabilistic response learning
- Maintenance of wakefulness test
- Maintenance of wakefulness testing
- Manipulation of interstimulus interval and/or intensity
- Manipulations of different types of coherence and cohesion between clauses in discourse
- Manipulations of different types of relationships between individual words in priming paradigms
- Manipulations of predictability and acceptability, at different levels of representation, in a linguistic input
- Manipulations of relationships between language and non-verbal behaviors
- Masking (e.g., sleep effect on cognitive behavioral therapy)
- Masking paradigms
- maze learning
- McGurk effect (multisensory)
- Measurement of slow eye movements during wakefulness
- Meta-cognition Tasks
- Modified Iowa Gambling Task
- Monetary Incentive Delay
- Motor Evoked Potential Latency
- Motor persistence paradigms (e.g. NEPSY statue task)
- Multimodal Social Paradigms
- Multiple sleep latency testing
- Multistability
- Naming
- N-back
- Neurobehavioral testing in relation to sleep
- Nocturnal polysomnography
- Non-24-hour sleep-wake schedules
- Non-learning/passive gambling/guessing tasks
- Nonlocal properties of images
- Non-REM Sleep EEG slow wave activity
- Non verbal decoding tasks
- novelty/oddball detection
- NPU Threat Task
- Object perception
- Object recognition/perceptual closure/perceptual organization
- Odd-ball tasks
- Olfactory hedonics measures
- One-armed Bandit Task
- Other attention paradigms
- other automated facial analysis
- Other Trait or State Judgments
- Paired associate learning
- Parallel/serial search
- Patterns of eye movements (in eye tracking paradigms) or motor movements (in mouse tracking paradigms) to critical words and regions in linguistic input
- Patterns of eye movements to non-verbal visual stimuli during spoken language comprehension (the visual world paradigm)
- Pavlovian conditioning
- Penn Emotion Recognition (ER-40)
- Perseveration tasks
- Phase response curve (PRC, phase dependent effects of single light [or other stimulus] pulses delivered at different circadian phases)
- Physical and relational aggression paradigms
- Point-light displays
- Point Light Displays of Biological Motion
- Prediction error tasks
- Probabilistic Reward Task
- Probabilistic Stimulus Selection Task
- Probability Choice Task
- Profile of non-verbal sensitivity
- Progressive ratio task
- Provocative tasks/settings to elicit expressions
- Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm
- Psycho-motor vigilance and other continuous performance tasks
- Psychomotor Vigilance Task
- Pupillary light reflex (acute measure of rod, cone and melanopsin photosensitivity);
- Pupillometry
- Reading
- Reading the Mind in the Eyes
- Reality Monitoring
- Re-entrant processing
- Regularity and change detection
- Relived Memories paradigm
- Representations of external objects
- resident/human intruder test
- response time acceleration
- Retinotopic representations
- Rutledge Passive Lottery Task
- Sadness eliciting film clips
- same-different tasks
- Scheduleless key press to view or avoid pictures (e.g., “beautiful faces”)
- Self Judgments
- self-monitoring
- Self-Ordered Pointing
- Self-Other Morphs
- Self reference effect
- Self-Referential Memory Paradigm
- Self-report methods include retrospective symptom and sleep reports, daily sleep diaries
- Sensory Motor Adaptation Tasks
- Sensory threshold testing (ERG, ERP, etc.)
- Sentence Prosody tests
- Separation
- sequence encoding and reproduction
- serial response task
- Simon
- Simple Guessing Task
- Simple Span Tasks
- Sleep-dependent memory consolidation, fear extinction
- Sleep measures (see Sleep-Wake paradigms)
- Sleep Spindles
- smell identification
- Snaith Hamilton Pleasure Scale
- Social Buffering of Stress
- social dominance test
- Social Flanker
- Social games e.g. cyberball
- Social Reward paradigms
- spatial and non-spatial cuing paradigms,
- Startle
- Sternberg Item Recognition
- Still Face paradigm
- Stimulus-Resp Incompat
- Stop-Signal Reaction Time
- Stranger Tests
- Strange Situation
- Strange Stores
- Stroop
- Task switching
- Taste reactivity
- T cycles (non-24 hour LD cycles);
- Theory of Mind Tasks in children
- time-series of response times to extract variability and frequency domain analyses
- tone detection (e.g., JND tasks)
- Tone matching
- Total, partial, and stage-selective deprivation paradigms
- Total sleep time
- Tower tasks
- Transformations beyond retinotopic representations
- transitive inference
- Trier Social Stress Test
- Value-based decision making (e.g., preference test)
- Vernier discrimination
- Visual illusion susceptibility
- visual search
- Vocal production coding systems e.g., spectral analysis
- Wake time after sleep onset
- Why component of Why/How Task
- Willingness to Pay Task
- “Thin slices” of non-verbal behavior test