RDoC Resources: Webinar Series
The NIMH RDoC Unit schedules periodic webinars on a variety of topics including information on RDoC policies and processes, which also allow for live audience participation. If you are unable to attend a scheduled webinar, recordings and transcripts will be made available following each session. To receive email updates on upcoming webinars and/or the availability of the archived video, please subscribe to the RDoC email listserv .
Past webinars

FY2024 Individually Measured Phenotypes to Advance Computational Translation in Mental Health (IMPACT-MH) U01 and U24 NOFOs (May 2, 2023): The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has released two Notices of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) related to a new initiative, Individually Measured Phenotypes to Advance Computational Translation in Mental Health (IMPACT-MH). These two funding opportunities are intended to encourage and support research that uses behavioral measures and computational methods to define novel clinical signatures that can be used for individual-level prediction and clinical decision making in mental disorders. This technical assistance teleconference highlighted basic information about the U01 and U24 funding opportunities and answered general and audience member questions.
Additional information

NIMH Research Domain Criteria Roundtable - Data-Driven Refinement of Psychopathology: Toward Precision Diagnostics (9-28-2022): Current approaches to understanding and treating mental disorders are largely based on longstanding diagnostic criteria that rely on patient self-report and clinician judgment. There is, however, increasing recognition that psychiatric disorders are not specific disease entities but rather broad and heterogeneous syndromes. Research toward personalized, data-driven assessment may thus inform more effective clinical decisions. This meeting brought together experts in the field to discuss clinical signatures, and what is needed to develop individually reliable precision diagnostics.

How Can RDoC Inform Suicide Intervention Research and Treatment? (5-24-2019): The NIMH RDoC Unit, the Delaware Project , and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) hosted a webinar focused on understanding and treating the complexity and heterogeneity of suicide. Presenters discussed how using a mechanism-based approach to understand suicide can lead to better treatment.

Using the RDoC Framework in Developmental Research (10-18-2017): The NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Unit hosted a webinar focusing on developmental research conducted using RDoC-ian principles. This webinar brought together three researchers who discussed how they use a dimensional perspective and multiple methodologies (both core principles of RDoC) to study neurobehavioral mechanisms associated with various disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), anxiety, and ADHD.

RDoC Reward Sensitivity and Depression: From Mechanism to Implementation (09-26-2017): The NIMH RDoC Unit, the Delaware Project , and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) hosted a webinar focusing on function and dysfunction in reward systems including anhedonia and other related constructs. Presenters discussed this topic from the standpoint of the basic pathological mechanisms, therapeutic techniques that address these mechanisms, and dissemination and implementation challenges that could make it difficult for practitioners to adopt and implement evidence-based techniques with fidelity.

RDoC - Fear & Anxiety: From Mechanisms to Implementation (11-17-2016): The NIMH RDoC Unit, the Delaware Project , and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) hosted a webinar highlighting the role of fear and anxiety in disorders such as phobias and depression. Presenters discussed these topics from different perspectives, including basic laboratory research, treatment in clinics, and graduate school instruction for clinicians.

Analyzing and Using RDoC Data in Your Research (05-10-2016): NIMH RDoC Unit hosted a webinar featuring three NIMH-funded researchers who discussed how to analyze and integrate RDoC data.

Facts and Myths about RDoC (10-13-2015): RDoC staff and grantees answer frequently asked questions about the initiative.

RDOC Negative Valence Webinar (5-11-2015): NIMH RDoC Unit staff, grantees, and reviewers held a webinar on writing and reviewing grants in the Negative Valence Domain.

RDoC Kickoff Webinar (11-24-2014): In the first installment of the RDoC Webinar Series, RDoC Unit Head Dr. Bruce Cuthbert discusses the guiding principles of RDoC, the role of the new RDoC unit, and frequent questions researchers have about RDoC.

Introduction to RDoC (12-08-2014): Bruce Cuthbert, Ph.D., Unit Head, NIMH Division of Translational Research and Treatment Development, discusses the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) initiative