RDoC Snapshot: Version 1 (saved 3/7/2016)
This is a snapshot of the RDoC matrix, and as such the links contained within may not work as future changes to the matrix may include removing or changing various elements of the matrix. This snapshot is intended simply to show what had been listed in the matrix at a previous time, and does not to contain any new information. To get to the current version of the matrix, click here.
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
BDNF, 5HT/5HTRs, CRF, FKB5, GABAARs, Glutamate system, NMDARs, Opioid system, COMT, Cannabinoid system, Dopamine, DAT, Cam kinase, MAP kinase, PI-3 kinase, PKA, PKC, Acetylcholine, Norepinephrine, Strathmin, Pkap, TRBC5 |
NMDAR, Glutamate, Dopamine, Serotonin, BDNF, GABA, Cortisol/ |
Neurons, Glia, Pyramidal cells, GABAergic cells |
Central Nucleus, BasAmyg, LatAmyg, vPAG, dPAG, v-hippocampus (post), d-hippocampus (ant), latPFC/insula, vmPFC (il), dmPFC (pl), OFC, Hypothalamus, dorsal ACC, rostral/vent ACC, ICMs, Medial Amyg, PAG, RPVM, Pons, autonomic nervous system, insular cortex, LC |
Fear Potentiated Startle, Context Startle, Skin Conductance, Heart Rate, EMG, BP, Eye Tracking, Response accuracy, facial EMG, Respiration, pupillometry |
Freezing, Response time, Avoidance, Response inhibition, Open field, Social approach, Analgesia, approach (early development), Risk assessment, Facial expressions |
Fear survey schedule, BAI, STAI, SUDS, Fear Questionnaire, Trait Fear Inventory, Eilam Ethogram, Structured Diagnostic and Assessment scales, Albany Panic & Phobia |
Fear conditioning, viewing aversive pictures or films, emotional imagery |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
CRF family, cortisol |
Pituitary cells |
Bed nucleus of stria terminalis |
Average cortisol levels, ACTH, potentiated startle |
Contextual threat, darkness (in humans), light (in rodents) |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
HPA-axis hormones, CRF, ACTH |
prefrontal, hippocampal, microglia |
Dysregulation of amygdala reactivity; |
Dysregulated HPA axis; |
Anxious arousal; |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Downregulation of glucocorticoid receptors; Upregulation of CRH; Estrogens; Androgens; Oxytocin; Vasopressin; Inflammatory molecules |
Sustained amygdala reactivity; Decreased DLPFC recruitment; Decreased vmPFC (incl. rostral cingulate); Increased insula activation; Increased posterior cingulate activity; Decreased R parietal; PVN; Hippocampus; Orbitofrontal cortex; Habit systems (striatum/ |
ANS & HPA & neuroimmune dysregulation; Prolonged psychophysiological reactivity |
Rumination; Withdrawal; Worry; Crying; Sadness; Loss-relevant recall bias; shame; Attentional bias to negative valenced information; Guilt; Morbid Thoughts; Psychomotor retardation; Anhedonia; Increased self-focus; Deficits in executive function (e.g., impaired sustained attention); Loss of drive (sleep, appetite, libido); Amotivation |
Change in attributional style; Hopelessness |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Glutamate, Dopamine, Serotonin, GABA, Vasopressin, steroids |
Septum, PAG, amygdala, hypothalamus, OFC, striatum, parasympathetic system, LC |
physical and relational aggression |
Proactive/ reactive aggression questionnaire, Buss-Durkee and Buss Perry |
Physical and relational aggression paradigms, resident/human intruder test, PSAP, social dominance test |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Dopamine; Serotonin | Cortico-limbic circuit: Anterior medial OFC; Ventral limbic striatum (incl. ventral caudate); Ventral tegmental area/Substantia Nigra | BAS reward sensitivity subscale; Sensitivity to reward subscale of the Sensitivity to Punishment: Sensitivity to Reward questionnaire | Kahneman-Spinner paradigm; Value-based decision making (e.g., preference test); can be explicit or implicit; Delay discounting; Counterfactual learning, Armed bandit task |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Dopamine; GABA; Adenosine | Basolateral amygdala; Dorsal ACC; Ventral striatum (nACC), Ventral pallidum; VTA | Drive subscale of the Behavioral Activation Scale | Progressive ratio task; Effort-related choice behavior (effort discounting); Scheduleless key press to view or avoid pictures (e.g., “beautiful faces”); “EEfRt” task (per Treadway) |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Dopamine; Serotonin | Lateral habenula; Rostral medial tegmentum; Ventral striatum; Basal ganglia; Dorsal ACC; Substantia nigra/VTA; Orbital Frontal Cortex; Amygdala | Cortical slow waves; Heart rate change; skin conductance | Reward-related speeding; Goal tracking; Sign tracking; Pavlovian approach | Affective forecasting; Self-report of craving; TEPS anticipatory scale; Generalized reward and punishment expectancy scale; Eating Expectancy Inventory; ASAM scale | Monetary Incentive Delay; Non-learning/passive gambling/guessing tasks; Cue reactivity |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Amygdala | Modified Iowa Gambling Task; Card choice/gambling task per Sanfey (2003) |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
DRD2; DAT; TREK1 | Mu and delta opioid; Endocannabinoids; Orexin; Glutamate; Plasticity-related genes (CREB; FosB) | Nucleus accumbens; Medial OFC; Ventromedial PFC; Dorsal ACC; VTA; Ventral pallidum; Anterior insula; Lateral hypothalamus | Taste reactivity | PANAS (state version); Consummatory subscale of TEPS | Monetary Incentive Delay; Gambling/guessing tasks; Taste reactivity |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Serotonin; Opioids; Endocannabinoids; Orexin; Dopamine | Ventromedial hypothalamus; Medial preoptic area; Paraventricular hypothalamus; Arcuate nucleus; OFC; BA9/medial PFC | Vagus nerve stimulation (CCK); Peripheral endocannabinoids; PYY; GLP1; Gonadal hormones | Satiety sequence; Nipple refusal; Cessation of consumption/meal termination; Meal pattern analysis | Visual analog scales of satiety; Reward responsiveness subscale of BIS/BAS; Loss of control scale; Drug effects questionnaire | Devaluation task; Snaith Hamilton Pleasure Scale |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Various genes involved in dopamine synthesis, clearance, and receptor signaling; plasticity-related genes CREB, FosB; Synapse-related genes; Epigenetic factors (HDAC, methyl transferases, etc); DARP32; COMT; NMDA receptors on D1 neurons; Adenyl cyclase | dopamine & dopamine-related molecules; acetylcholine; Co-released neuromodular glutamate | medium spiny neurons; dopaminergic neurons | dorsal striatum; Ventral striatum; Medial prefrontal; OFC; VTA/SN; Amygdala | Error related negativity; Correct related negativity; Feedback related negativity; Midline theta | Approach behaviors; Consummatory behaviors toward any goal object | Ecological momentary assessment; Ambulatory assessment and monitoring | probabilistic reinforcement learning; deterministic reinforcement learning; Pavlovian conditioning; Instrumental conditioning and all its variants; Prediction error tasks |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
CREB, FosB; HDAC, methyl transferases; DARP32; COMT; NMDA receptors on D1 neurons; Adenyl cyclase | dopamine & dopamine-related molecules; acetylcholine; Co-released neuromodular glutamate | Medium spiny neurons; Substantia Nigra; dopamine neurons | dorsal striatum; Ventral striatum; Medial prefrontal cortex; SN/VTA | repetitive behaviors; stereotypic behaviors; compulsive behaviors | Measures of repetitive behaviors; Aberrant behaviors checklist | maze learning; knot tying; serial response task; devaluation; response time acceleration; attention blindness; dual task paradigm; long-term probabilistic response learning; Perseveration tasks |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Dopamine receptor genes (e.g., D4, D5); DAT1; Serotonin receptor gene |
Implementation: |
Parvalbumin-positive interneurons |
Implementation: Atentional systems: Balance between task positive network (TPN) vs DMN |
fMRI |
Spatial attention; |
dichotic listening, visual search, spatial and non-spatial cuing paradigms, dual task paradigms, attentional blink and psychological refractory period paradigm; inter-modal selective attention; blocked channel-selection tasks; distraction paradigms (capture); time-series of response times to extract variability and frequency domain analyses |
1Many of these paradigms can be adapted for use in behavioral, ERP and fMRI protocols.
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Dysbindin/ |
Glutamate,GABA. NMDA, Serotonin,Ach, Catecholamines, peptides | Magno (non-linear gain control). Parvo. Pyramidal, parvalbumin positive interneurons. |
Subcortical: |
Oscillations (scalp EEG, LFP, and single/multi-unit). ERP components: All of the sensory evoked potentials (from stimulus onset through N1), Ncl, ssVEP, tVEP. BOLD (activation) of cortical regions. |
Stimulus detection. Discrimination, identification and localization. Perceptual priming. Visual acuity. Reading. Perceptual learning. |
Perceptual anomalies of schizophrenia and depression. |
Scheme I. Stages of Vision. Early vision retinotopic representations, local computations. Intermediate vision Nonlocal properties of images, transformations beyond retinotopic representations (e.g., surface properties of the object independent of light, head position). Late vision Representations of external objects (e.g., object identification, classification, visually guided action). Scheme 2. Commonly Used Research Paradigms Vernier discrimination; Object recognition/perceptual closure/perceptual organization; object perception; contour integration/interpolation; face identification; emotion expression identification; Parallel/serial search; Reading; contrast sensitivity; lateral facilitation; biological motion processing; coherent motion; bistability; multistability; figure ground; backward masking; visual illusion susceptibility; cross modality paradigms. Other schemes. Re-entrant processing. Action-Perception loops. |
————— Units of Analysis ————— | |||||||
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Glutamate/ |
Cochlear hair cells; Ribbon synapses; cortical and limbic inhibitory interneurons. |
Nodes in circuits: Cochlea; brainstem; MGN; A1; STG; ant. Insula; Inferior Colliculus. |
Sensory ERPs (e.g, P50, N1), Auditory steady-state response (ASSR); Intracortical EEG, Mismatch negativity (MMN); P3a; metabolic changes (fMRI, PET); startle and PPI; neural oscillations (e.g., GBR); adaptation/habituation. fMRI: regulation of hemodynamic components of sensory response and habituation. |
Stimulus detection. Perceptual priming. Perceptual learning. |
Auditory hallucinations; Hyperacusis |
Tone matching; deviance detection, regularity and change detection; McGurk (multisensory); auditory scene perception (e.g., streaming); bistability; novelty/oddball detection; detection of speech in noise, cross-modal interactions; auditory masking; Manipulation of ISI; and intensity |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Manipulation of ISI, intensity for somatosensory stimulation; smell identification; |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
BDNF, KIBRA | Cholinergic, Glutamatergic, Noradrenergic. Opioid. | Pyramidal cells, granule cells, many types of inhibitory and excitatory interneurons, glia. | Intrinsic hippocampal circuitry (e.g., DG, CA1, CA3, subiculum); extrinsic hippocampal circuitry (bidirecitional connections between widespread higher order cortical areas and the parahippocampal region, and between the parahippocampal region and the hippocampus); PFC and PPC interactions with multiple association cortices. | LTP/LTD, NMDA-related synaptic plasticity, AMPA-related synaptic plasticity, place cell activity, conjunction codes, up/down states, frontal/temporal coordinated oscillations, subsequent memory effect (fMRI, ERP) | Learning, recall, discrimination, familiarity, recognition | Cognitive Assessment Interview |
Paired associate learning; delayed recall; transitive inference; acquired equivalence; list and story learning |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
FOXP2; models based on songbirds; mouse knockout models | Lateral superior and middle temporal cortices, inferior temporal cortex, inferior frontal cortex, inferior parietal cortex. Overlap with memory, motor, sensory, and emotional circuits | ERPs N400 (lexico-semantic and contextual processing; P600/late positivities (continued analysis); anterior negativities (language-related working memory) |
Production and comprehension of words, coherent sentences, and coherent discourse (rating scales) Thought, Language and Commuinication Scale, Thought Disorder Index, |
Cognitive Assessment Interview |
A) Language Production: Experimental Manipulations |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
-Goal Selection- | |||||||
Frontopolar/ Anterior LPFC (BA10) Inhibition of DMN |
BRIEF (Gioa) | Badre tasks Koechlin paradigm Task Switching |
-Updating, Representation and Maintenance- | |||||||
Glu, Dopamine, GABA, NE, Acetylcholine |
Pyramidal PV |
DLPFC PPC Thalamocortical |
Gamma synchrony; pupilometry | Off-task behaviors; distractibility | Cognitive Failures Questionnaire (Broadbent et al) Disorganization Sx on SANS/SAPS/ PANSS BRIEF (Gioa) |
Task Switching; |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
-Response Selection- | |||||||
Glu, Dopamine, GABA, NE, Acetylcholine |
Somatostatin PV Pyramidal |
theta gamma |
Impulsive behaviors; | Disorganization Sx on SANS/SAPS/ PANSS BRIEF (Gioa) | Simon Stroop Flanker |
-Inhibition/Suppression- | |||||||
Glu, Dopamine, GABA, NE, Acetylcholine |
Pyramidal | Ventrofronto-striatal BA6/8 (FEF) Pre-SMA PPC |
Alpha Pupilometry Short interval cortical inhibition (TMS) |
Impulsive behaviors; off-task behaviors; distractibility | Conners impulsivity scale ADHD Rating Scale (Dupaul) BRIEF (Gioa) ATQ/CBQ Effortful Control |
Go/Nogo Stimulus-Resp Incompat Stop-Signal Reaction Time Antisaccade Countermanding Conflicting and contralateral motor response task Motor persistence paradigms (e.g. NEPSY statue task) |
————— Units of Analysis ————— | |||||||
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
5HTTLPR | Dopamine, 5HT |
ACC / pre-SMA Insula (?) | ERN N2 N450 |
Post-error or post-conflict adjustments in performance | YBOCS total score | Simon Stroop Flanker |
————— Units of Analysis ————— | |||||||
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
NGR1, DISC1, DTNBP1, BDNF, COMT, DRD2, DAT1 | Dopamine, D1, Glutamate, NMDA, GABA | Pyramidal, Distinct types of inhibitory neurons | PFC-parietal-cingulate-dorsal thalamus-dorsal striatum, VLPFC, Inferior Parietal | Gamma waves (local ensemble), Theta waves (local/thalamal-cortical), Delta (cortico-cortical) | N-back, delayed match to sample, delayed match to non sample, sequence encoding and reproduction, Sternberg Item Recognition, Complex Span tasks, Letter memory/running memory, Letter Number Sequencing, Simple Span Tasks (better for developmental populations), Change detection tasks, keep track task, AX-CPT/DPX, Self-Ordered Pointing |
————— Units of Analysis ————— | |||||||
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
NGR1, DISC1, DTNBP1, BDNF, COMT, DRD2, DAT1 | Dopamine, D2, Glutamate, GABA | Medium Spiny Neurons (basal ganglia) | PFC-parietal-cingulate-dorsal thalamus-dorsal striatum, DLPFC, Dorsal Striatum, MD, VA thalamus | Gamma waves (local ensemble), Theta waves (local/thalamal-cortical), Delta (cortico-cortical | N-back, Sternberg Item Recognition, Complex Span tasks, Letter memory/running memory, Letter Number Sequencing, keep track task, AX-CPT/DPX, Self-Ordered Pointing |
————— Units of Analysis ————— | |||||||
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
NGR1, DISC1, DTNBP1, BDNF, COMT, DRD2, DAT1 | Dopamine, D1, D2, Glutamate, GABA | PFC-parietal-cingulate-dorsal thalamus-dorsal striatum, DLPFC, VLPFC, Dorsal Parietal, Inferior Parietal, MD, VA thalamus | Gamma waves (local ensemble), Theta waves (local/thalamal-cortical), Delta (cortico-cortical) | N-back, delayed match to sample, delayed match to non sample, sequence encoding and reproduction, Sternberg Item Recognition, Complex Span tasks, Letter memory/running memory, Letter Number Sequencing, Simple Span Tasks (better for developmental populations), Change detection tasks, keep track task, AX-CPT/DPX, Self-Ordered Pointing |
————— Units of Analysis ————— | |||||||
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Dopamine, D1, D2, Glutamate, GABA |
Distinct types of inhibitory neurons, Parvalbumin, Calbindin, Calretinin |
PFC-parietal-cingulate-dorsal thalamus-dorsal striatum, DLPFC |
Gamma waves (local ensemble), Theta waves (local/thalamal-cortical), Delta (cortico-cortical) |
N-back (if you include non-target lures), delayed match to sample, delayed match to non sample, Sternberg Item Recognition, Complex Span tasks, Letter memory/running memory, Letter Number Sequencing, Simple Span Tasks (better for developmental populations), keep track task, Self-Ordered Pointing |
————— Units of Analysis ————— | |||||||
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
OXTR, AVPR1A, MOR 3OXT, Tyrosine Hydroxylase, DRD2, MOR, |
Oxytocin, vasopressin, oxytocin receptor, vasopressin 1a receptor, dopamine |
3Magnocellular OT |
VTA- NAcc- VP-amygdala, PVN, OFC, FF gyrus, VMPFC
Sex steroid changes; HPA down-regulation; Vagal tone; Immune markers |
Attachment Formation– maintaining proximity; preference for individual
Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment Scale; Attachment Questionnaire for Children Scale; |
Social Buffering of Stress
3 Candidate molecules and circuits based on animal studies.
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Oxytocin |
Face selective neurons- FFA, STS, amygdala, mirror neurons
V1-FFA-STS-amygdala |
Identification of emotion |
Face dimensional rating scales |
Emotional face expression tests |
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Contactin AP |
Eye movements: PPC-SC-SNc-SEF-FEF-CB |
Facial EMG |
Eye gaze aversion/contact |
Berkeley Expressivity Questionnaire
Imitation of affect |
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
FOXP2, |
EEG features, e.g., evoked gamma |
Comprehension of emotional prosody |
Social Responsiveness Scale |
Sentence Prosody tests |
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
FOXP2, |
Response to distress/separation distress |
Computer interface tasks |
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Right parietal; right insula, right inferior frontal; SMA, somatosensory, premotor |
Scalp Motor Potentials |
Evidence that one understands ownership of one's own body parts or action (thoughts/behaviors); Hallucinations; Delusions of Control |
Perceptual Aberration Scale |
Identification of one's own biological motion; Joy Stick manipulation (decoupling motor and sensory feedback); illusions of will; Ford Corollary Discharge Paradigm; Reality Monitoring |
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Von Economo neurons |
MPFC, posterior cingulate/precuneus, left inferior frontal cortex, ventral anterior cingulate (valence specific) |
P300s to self-relevant stimuli |
Developmentally appropriate perception of one's competences, skills, abilities beliefs, intentions, desires, and/or emotional states |
Levels of Emotional Awareness; Toronto Alexithymia scale; Private Self-Consciousness; Self Components of Attributional Styles Questionnaire; Self-monitoring scale |
Self Judgments; Self reference effect; Meta-cognition Tasks; Discrepancies in self and peer ratings [i.e., peer nomination] |
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
STS, extrastriate body area, occipital face area, fusiform face area |
MU Suppression |
The ability to appropriately attribute animacy to other agents |
Point-light displays; Attributions of contingent behavior |
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Mirror Neurons |
Ventral/dorsal premotor, inferior parietal, STS |
MU suppression, cortico-spinal facilitation (TMS) |
Imitation; mimicry; Gaze following; Ability to identify what actions an agent is executing |
Balanced Emotional Empathy Scale; Perspective Taking and Empathic Concern subscales of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index; Empathy Quotient |
Action observation, Imitation, Self-Other Morphs; Non verbal decoding tasks; How component of Why/How Task; Profile of Non-Verbal Sensitivity; Empathic Accuracy Tasks |
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Genes that influence Vasopressin or oxytocin |
Vasopressin; Oxytocin |
MPFC, TPJ, temporal pole, precuneus; STS |
Developmentally appropriate interpretations of other intentions, goals and beliefs |
Other components of Attributional Styles Questionnaires; Balanced Emotional Empathy Scale; Perspective taking and empathic concern subscales of interpersonal reactivity index; Empathy Quotient |
Other Trait or State Judgments; Strange Stores; Directors Task, Faux Pas; Reading the Mind in the Eye's; Why component of Why/How Task; Theory of Mind Tasks in children; Dunbar's Intentionality Questionnaire; Irony comprehension; Empathic Accuracy Tasks |
————— Units of Analysis ————— | |||||||
Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Musarinic receptors (mAChRs, M1-M5) Nicotinic receptors (16 nAChR genes) ACHE CHAT VAChT Serotonin receptors (5HT1-7) 5HTTs Tryptophan Hydroxylase Adrenergic receptors (α1, α2; β1-3) Histamine receptors (H1-4) Dopamine receptors (D1-5) OX1R, OX2R/HCRT1, HCRT2 GABA-A, GABA-B, GABA-C Glutamate Receptors: AMPA, kainate, NMDA, delta; mGluRs Aadenosine receptors (A1-3) DBH NET DAT Leptin |
Glutamate |
Locus Coeruleus Tuberomammillary Nucleus LDT, PPT Basal Forebrain Nuclei Lateral, perifornical, and dorsomedial hypothalamus Dorsal Raphe Ventral Tegmental Area Central Nucleus Amygdala |
Cholinergic and monoaminergic Nuclei projections to thalamic and cortical (both neocortical and allocortical/hippocampus circuits) Reciprocoal cholinergic and monoaminergic projection Reciprocal hypothalamic (including hypocretin/orexin, tuberomammillary nucleus) projections to midbrain and pontine monoaminergic and cholinergic nuclei Hypothalamic to thalamic and cortical circuits Basal forebrain nuclei to cortical circuits Corical circuits such as fronto-insular and dorsal anerior cingulate Brainstem monoaminergic and cholinergic projections to basal forebrain Central Amygdala to monoaminergic and basal forebrain cholinergic nuclei Reciprocal NTS-Central N. Amygdala Circadian and Sleep-related circuits modulate arousal and are modulated by arousal |
EEG EMG ERPs Autonomic: Heart Rate; Blood Pressure; Pupil Size; Galvanic skin Response; Breathing; etc. HPA Axis: Glucocorticoids; ACTH; CRF Sex-Specific Differences in Arousal Brain activation as measured by fMRI Neural activity |
Waking Startle Eye Blink Motor Activity (increases and decreases) Cognition: learning & memory; attention; executive function; etc. Affective states: anxiety; etc. Agitation Emotional Reactivity Sensory Reactivity Motivated Behavior |
Arousal Self-Report Scales (e.g. ADACL, POMS arousal subscale, etc.); Self-assessment Mannequin |
EEG and EMG recording |
————— Units of Analysis ————— | |||||||
Genes1 | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Canonical (Core) Clock Genes: Clock; Clock-Associated Genes: Rorα, β; Potential additional clock associated genes1 Clock-controlled genes1 Receptor genes: Transcription/ Epigenetic factors (e.g. Sir2) |
Input: melanopsin; PACAP; Glutamate; GABA; 5HT; NPY; Substance P; Dopamine SCN-synchronizing and modulating agents: VIP; AVP; NO; cAMP; cGMP; Calbindin; steroid hormones (estrogen, testosterone, progesterone) Output: melatonin; cortisol; AVP; VIP; GABA |
ipRGC; rods and cones; SCN “clock” cells; medium spiny neurons, pars tuberalis cells, fibroblasts Pineal cells |
Input: Retinal cells; Retino-hypothalamic tract; Retinogeniculate tract; Raphe to SCN projection; Intrinsic to SCN Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) core/shell Output: SCN projections to: - PVN, DMH, subparaventricular zone, PVT Seasonal - SCN/PVN/SCG/pineal2 |
Gene expression Neural activity Neural transmitters |
Locomotor activity Drive-regulated behaviors Sleep-wake Neurobehavioral functions (e.g., alertness, vigilance, affect, learning, memory) Sleep-rated and waking behaviors Masking (e.g., direct effect of environment on activity rhythms) |
Phase, diurnal preference, chronotype (e.g., Horne-Ostberg, CTQ); Diary-based measures of daily regularity/ rhythmicity (e.g., Social Rhythm Metric); Sleepiness, alertness, well-being, mood |
Actigraphy of human circadian rest-activity rhythms in the real world |
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Genes | Molecules | Cells | Circuits | Physiology | Behavior | Self-Reports | Paradigms |
Circadian Rhythms genes |
Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, including: Acetylcholine |
Lateral and perifornical hypothalamus |
Wakefulness Arousal and Circadian Rhythms circuits also subserve wakefulness Sleep NREM sleep (forebrain): REM sleep (brainstem): |
EEG sleep spindles, EEG slow waves, EEG theta rhythms, Brain metabolic activity; EMG; EOG; sleep hormones; NREM sleep and REM sleep, wakefulness, Temporal and topographic organization of sleep dynamics; Temporal and topographic organization of homeostatic sleep drive during sleep; sleep latency; Capacity for wakefulness under low stimulation; Physiologic measures of sleepiness, homeostatic sleep drive during waking; Sex-specific sleep physiology |
Sleep (duration, continuity/ fragmentation, architecture), wakefulness |
Sleep quality, restoration, quantity (e.g., insomnia, hypersomnia) |
EEG (e.g., sleep staging, quantitative EEG, topographic mapping, source localization) |
Notes regarding the Units of Analysis
- “Circuits” can refer to measurements of particular circuits as studied by neuroimaging techniques, and/or other measures validated by animal models or functional neuroimaging (e.g., emotion-modulated startle, event-related potentials).
- “Physiology” refers to measures that are well-established indices of certain constructs, but that do necessarily not tap circuits directly (e.g., heart rate, event-related potentials).
- “Behavior” can refer variously to behavioral tasks (e.g., a working memory task), or to behavioral observations.
- “Self-reports” refer to interview scales, questionnaires, or other instruments that may encompass normal-range and/or abnormal aspects of the dimension of interest.