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Transforming the understanding
and treatment of mental illnesses.

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SI Directions

Above Ground
Our Section is located in the basement level of Building 13 room G3302/G360. Building 13 is a three story building located on South Drive. For first time visitors, we suggest coming to the long loading platform, west side of the building. At the south end of the platform, you will see eight yellow concrete posts, with an entrance door behind them. Go inside and down one flight of stairs. As you exit on that level, across the hall you will see the door into one of our office rooms, G3302. Just to its right there is a northbound hall, where you will find doors to our other rooms G360, G356, and G348. Feel free to give one of us a call when you reach the building and we will be glad to meet you and personally guide you to our area.

Below Ground
We are fortunate to also be right off the long tunnel that connects the Clinical Center (building 10) with buildings 13, 11 and 14. When the weather is bad, the tunnel is the best option coming from building 10. Take the main elevators (the ones that are near Masur Auditorium on the first floor) to the B2 level and follow the hallway eastward, toward the loading platform which is on the east end of building 10. About 100 feet before reaching the platform you will see the double door entrance to the long tunnel on your right. Follow down the tunnel southward, past the first hallway exit on your left, to the second hallway. Take the left at this hallway and you will see our door (G3302) on your left. A bit farther on your left is a northbound hall with doors to our other rooms G360, G356, and G348.

SI location on NIH map

SI entrance is on west side of Building 13

Entrance to Section on Instrumentation - enter and go down one level to basement