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Section on Cellular and Cognitive Neurodevelopment


Bourne JA, Cichy RM, Kiorpes L, Morrone MC, Arcaro MJ, and Nielsen KJ. (2024) Development of higher-level vision: A network perspective. J Neurosci, XX 1-9.

Ma S, Skarica M, Li Q, Xu C, Risgaard RD, Tebbenkamp ATN, Mato-Blanco X, Kovner R, Krsnik Ž, de Martin X, Luria V, Martí-Pérez X, Liang D, Karger A, Schmidt DK, Gomez-Sanchez Z, Qi C, Gobeske KT, Pochareddy S, Debnath A, Hottman CJ, Spurrier J, Teo L, Boghdadi AG, Homman-Ludiye J, Ely JJ, Daadi EW, Mi D, Daadi M, Marín O, Hof PR, Rasin MR, Bourne J, Sherwood CC, Santpere G, Girgenti MJ, Strittmatter SM, Sousa AMM, Sestan N. (2022) Molecular and cellular evolution of the primate dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.  Science, 377:6614

Boghdadi A, Spurrier J, Teo L, Li MF, Skarica M, Cao B, Kwan WC, Merson TD, Nilsson SK, Sestan N, Strittmatter SM, Bourne JA (2021) NogoA-expressing astrocytes limit peripheral macrophage infiltration after ischemic brain injury in primates . Nature Communications 12:6906

Scott J, Bourne JA (2021) Modelling behaviors relevant to brain disorders in the nonhuman primate: are we there yet?  Progress in Neurobiology 208:102183

Kwan WC, Chang CK, Yu HH, Mundinano IC, Fox DM, Homman-Ludiye J, Bourne JA (2021) Visual Cortical Area MT Is Required for Development of the Dorsal Stream and Associated Visuomotor Behaviors.  Journal of Neuroscience. 41:8197-8209.

Homman-Ludiye J, Bourne JA (2021) The Marmoset: The Next Frontier in Understanding the Development of the Human Brain.  ILAR Journal 61:248-259

Grünert U, Lee SCS, Kwan WC, Mundinano IC, Bourne JA, Martin PR (2021) Retinal ganglion cells projecting to superior colliculus and pulvinar in marmoset.  Brain Structure & Function 226: 2745-2762

Teo L, Boghdadi AG, Homman-Ludiye J, Mundinano IC, Kwan WC, Bourne JA (2021) Replicating infant-specific reactive astrocyte functions in the injured adult brain.  Progress in Neurobiology doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2021.102108

Montardy Q, Kwan WC, Mundinano IC, Fox DM, Wang L, Gross CT, Bourne JA (2021) Mapping the neural circuitry of predator fear in the nonhuman primate . Brain Structure and Function 226: 195-205

Fox D, Goodale M, Bourne JA (2020) The neural substrates of blindsight and their role in the development of the visual system.  Trends in Neuroscience 43: 242-252.

Boghdadi AG, Teo L, Bourne JA (2020) The neuroprotective role of reactive astrocytes after injury . Journal of Neurotrauma

Homman-Ludiye J, Mundinano IC, Kwan WC, Bourne JA (2020) Extensive connectivity between the medial pulvinar and the cortex revealed in the marmoset monkey.  Cerebral Cortex 30: 1797-1812.

Mundinano I, Kwan WC, Bourne JA (2019) Retinotopic specialization of cortical and thalamic inputs to MT  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 116:23326-23331.

Coughlan E, Garside V, Wong SF, Liang H, Kraus D, Karmakar K, Maheshwari U, Rijli MP, Bourne JA, McGlinn E (2019) A Hox Code Defines Spinocerebellar Neuron Subtype Regionalization  Cell Reports 19: 2408-2421.

Fox DM, Mundinano IC, Bourne JA. (2019) Prehensile kinematics of the marmoset monkey: Implications for the evolution of visually-guided behaviors . Journal of Comparative Neurology 15;527(9):1495-1507.

Alzu'bi A, Homman-Ludiye J, Bourne JA, Clowry GJ. (2019) Thalamocortical Afferents Innervate the Cortical Subplate much Earlier in Development in Primate than in Rodent . Cerebral Cortex 29:1706-1718.

Homman-Ludiye J, Bourne JA. (2019) The medial pulvinar: function, origin and association with neurodevelopmental disorders.  Journal of Anatomy 235:507-520.

Homman-Ludiye J, Kwan WC, de Souza MJ, Bourne JA. (2019) Ontogenesis and development of the nonhuman primate pulvinar.  Journal of Comparative Neurology 526:2870-2883.

J Evans MA, Lim R, Kim HA, Chu HX, Gardiner-Mann CV, Taylor, KW, Chan CT, Brait VH, Lee S, Dinh QU, Vinh, A, Phan TG, Srikanth VK, Ma H, Arumugam TV, Fann DT, Poh L, Hunt CPJ, Pouton CW, Haynes JM, Selemedis S, Kwan WC, Teo L, Bourne JA, Neumann S, Young S, Gowing EK, Drummond G, Clarkson AN, Wallace EM, Sobey, CG, Broughton BRS (2018) Acute or delayed systemic administration of human amnion epithelial cells improves outcomes in experimental stroke.  Stroke 49:700-708. (Impact Factor = 6.1)

Mundinano IC, Fox DM, Kwan WC, Vidaurre D, Teo L, Homman-Ludiye J, Goodale MA, Leopold DA, Bourne JA (2018) Transient visual pathway critical for normal development of primate grasping behavior . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 115:1364-1369 Highlighted article with Commentary by Liao & Ghazanfar in same edition.

Teo L, Boghdadi AG, de Souza MJ, Bourne JA (2018) Reduced post-stroke glial scarring in the infant primate brain reflects age-related differences in the regulation of astrogliosis.  Neurobiology of Disease 111, 1-11

Kwan WC, Mundinano IC, de Souza MJ, Lee S, Martin PR, Grunert U, Bourne JA (2018) Unravelling the subcortical and retinal circuity of the primate inferior pulvinar.  Journal of Comparative Neurology 527:558-576.

Penner J, Osuch EA, Schaefer B, Theberge J, Neufeld RWJ, Menon RS, Rajakumar N, Bourne JA, Williamson PC (2017) Higher order thalamic nuclei resting network connectivity in early schizophrenia and major depressive disorder.  Psychiatric Research: Neuroimaging 272:7-16

IC Mundinano, Chen J, de Souza M, Sarossy MG, Joanisse MF, Goodale MA, Bourne JA (2018) More than blindsight: Case report of a child with extraordinary visual capacity following perinatal bilateral occipital lobe injury.  Neuropsychologia 128:178-186– Special issue dedicated to Prof. Larry Weiskrantz.

Homman-Ludiye J, Kwan WC, de Souza MJ, Rodger J, Bourne JA (2017) Ephrin-A2 regulates excitatory neuron differentiation and interneuron migration in the developing neocortex.  Scientific Reports 7(1), doi: 10-1038/s41598-017-12185-x

Boghdadi AG, Teo L, Bourne JA (2017) The involvement of the myelin-associated inhibitors and their receptors in CNS plasticity and injury . Molecular Neurobiology. 55: 1831-1846

Bourne JA, Morrone MC (2017) Plasticity of visual pathways and function in the developing brain: Is the pulvinar a crucial player?  Frontiers System Neuroscience 2017;11:3.

Homman-Ludiye J, Bourne JA (2016) The marmoset: An emerging model to unravel the evolution and development of the primate neocortex . Developmental Neurobiology 77:263-272.

Huang L, Merson TD, Bourne JA (2016) In vivo whole brain, cellular and molecular imaging in nonhuman primate models of neuropathology.  Neuroscience Biobehavioral Review. 66:104-18