Oliver Holmes

Post-baccalaureate IRTA Fellow
Oliver Holmes received his B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Biology from Connecticut College in New London, CT. At Connecticut College he worked under Dr. Joseph Schroeder to study the environmental learning capabilities of rats under the influence of narcotics. Further, he investigated the self-regulatory and problem-solving capabilities of childhood trauma survivors with the aid of Dr. Loren Marulis and the human development department. In June of 2020, Oliver joined the NIMH’s Section for Neural Gene Expression and worked with Dr. Scott Young and Dr. Adi Cymerblit-Sabba to study the social profiles and neural firing patterns of mice with altered genes in hippocampal social areas. To investigate these questions, he was involved in behavioral testing and coding, animal surgeries, fluorescence imaging, and analysis, as well as neural tissue sectioning. Oliver joined the Section on Behavioral Neuroscience in 2022 and is interested in the various cognitive defects that occur as a result of neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders. Outside of the lab, he enjoys camping and hiking, writing short stories, and attempting to one day be a decent cook.
Holmes O., Cymberblit-Sabba A., Young W. S., (2021) Coding Social Behavior During the Visualization of CA2 Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons, NIH Postbac Poster Day, Bethesda, MD
Holmes O., Cymberblit-Sabba A., Young W. S., (2022) Social Memory Effects of CA2 Oxytocin and Vasopressin Receptor Knockout in Mature Mice, NIH Postbac Poster Day, Bethesda, MD