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and treatment of mental illnesses.

Section on Behavioral Neuroscience

Anna Pearson

Anna Pearson
Postbac IRTA
BA Neuroscience, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN

Anna earned her BA in Neuroscience with minors in Biology and Psychology from DePauw University in May of 2020. At DePauw, Anna worked with Dr. Henning Schneider to study behavioral responses to nicotine and vaping liquids using zebrafish as a model organism. Additionally, she studied social interactions between college students and their parents under the mentorship of Dr. Susanne Biehle. Her first exposure to the research conducted in the Section on Behavioral Neuroscience was as a summer intern in 2019. At that time, she worked closely with a postdoc, Dr. Guru Nagarajan, to examine the morphological changes of cortical neurons in subcortically lesioned male and female rats. She returned to the Section as postbac IRTA in 2020 to continue her research, still working with Dr. Nagarajan and others in the lab investigating more generally the neural underpinnings of social-executive behavior.


Pearson, A.C., Bell, M., McHugh, M., & Biehle, S.N. (February 2020). The Role of Social Anxiety on Stress and Health in Emerging Adults. The Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Bell, M., Pearson, A.C., McHugh, M., & Biehle, S.N. (February 2020). Understanding the Topic and Frequency of Hassles Among Emerging and Older Adults. The Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Schneider, H. & Pearson, A.C. (October 2019). Nicotine seeking in larval zebrafish. The Society for Neuroscience Conference, Chicago, IL.

Schneider, H. & Pearson, A.C. (September 2019). Nicotine seeking in larval zebrafish. The Zebrafish for Personalized and Precision Medicine (ZPPM) Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Pearson, A.C., Nagarajan, G., Chudasama, Y. (August 2019). Morphometric Analysis of Cortical Neurons in Subcortically Lesioned Male and Female Rats. The National Institutes of Health Summer Student Poster Day, Bethesda, MD.

Boensch, C.B., Pearson, A.C., Rodriguez, B.J., & Biehle, S.N. (February 2019). Perceptions of same and cross-sex peer relationships among emerging adults. The Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention, Portland, OR.

Schneider, H., Pearson, A.C., & Harris, D. (June 2018). Nicotine-seeking behavior and gene expression in juvenile zebrafish. The Society for Neuroscience Conference, San Diego, CA.

Schneider, H., Pearson, A.C., & Harris, D. (June 2018). Nicotine-seeking behavior and gene expression in larval zebrafish. International Zebrafish Conference, Madison, WI.

Pearson, A.C., Bell, M., Boensch, C.M., Smith, A.J. Biehle, S.N. (September 2018). Influence of source of social support on emerging and older adults. Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention, Portland, OR.

Pearson, A.C. & Smith, A. (April 2018). Coping strategies and mental health during the transition to parenthood. Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL.