Section on Neural Coding and Computation (SNCC)
Dr. Barry Richmond

Dr. Richmond graduated from Harvard with a B.A. in 1965, and from Case Western Reserve Medical School with an M.D. in 1971. He did a residency in Pediatrics at University Hospitals of Cleveland from 1971-73, and a residency in Neurology at the Harvard Longwood program (Peter Bent Brigham-Beth Israel-Boston Children's Hospital) from 1973-1976. He is board certified in Pediatrics and Neurology with Special Competence in Child Neurology. He joined the Laboratory of Neurobiology in 1976 to study the neurophysiology of the visual system in awake, behaving monkeys. In 1980 he joined the Laboratory of Neuropsychology to set up a program to study how information about visual stimuli is encoded and processed by single neurons and ensembles of neurons. This work led to formation of the Section on Neural Coding and Computation in 1996.
Contact Infomation
Barry Richmond, MD
Laboratory of Neuropsychology, NIMH
Building 49, Room 1B80
49 Convent Drive
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-4415