Adam Thomas, Ph.D.
Data Science and Sharing Team
Research Topics
The mission of the team is to support and advance the creation, distribution, and utilization of large, open datasets to accelerate discovery. The team provides tools and training to help scientists within the IRP embrace open and reproducible science practices. This includes standardized; community recognized formats and repositories for data storage and dissemination, collaborative, version controlled tools for developing analysis code, and open distribution of all experimental methods and results to maximize impact and reproducibility.
Adam Thomas leads the Data Science and Sharing Team at the National Institute of Mental Health’s Intramural Research Program. Adam received his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University of Oxford where he studied human brain plasticity under the guidance of Heidi Johansen-Berg and Peter Bandettini. Adam also holds a Bachelor’s in Computer Science from the University of Pittsburgh where he developed neural network models of brain plasticity under James McClelland.
Selected Publications
A very simple, re-executable neuroimaging publication . Ghosh SS, Poline JB, Keator DB, Halchenko YO, Thomas AG, Kessler DA, Kennedy DN.. F1000Res. 2017 Feb 10 [revised 2017 Jun 15];6:124. PMID: 28781753.
7 T MRI reveals hippocampal structural abnormalities associated with memory intrusions in childhood-onset schizophrenia . Zhou D, Liu S, Zhou X, Berman R, Broadnax D, Gochman P, Rapoport J, Thomas A. Schizophr Res. 2018 Dec;202:431-432. PMID: 30029830.
Multi-modal characterization of rapid anterior hippocampal volume increase associated with aerobic exercise . Thomas AG, Dennis A, Rawlings NB, Stagg CJ, Matthews L, Morris M, Kolind SH, Foxley S, Jenkinson M, Nichols TE, Dawes H, Bandettini PA, Johansen-Berg H. Neuroimage. 2016 May 1;131:162-70. PMID: 26654786.
Human structural plasticity at record speed . Johansen-Berg H, Baptista CS, Thomas AG. Neuron. 2012 Mar 22;73(6):1058-60. PMID: 22445333.
Functional but not structural changes associated with learning: an exploration of longitudinal voxel-based morphometry (VBM) . Thomas AG, Marrett S, Saad ZS, Ruff DA, Martin A, Bandettini PA. Neuroimage. 2009 Oct 15;48(1):117-25. PMID: 19520171.
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