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Transforming the understanding
and treatment of mental illnesses.

Concept Clearances

concept describes the basic purpose, scope, and objectives of a potential solicitation of grants or contracts. Concepts may be developed into a Request for Applications (RFA), Request for Proposals (RFP), or Program Announcement (PA) (PAR: A PA with special receipt, referral and/or review considerations or a PAS: A PA that includes specific set-aside funds). RFAs, RFPs, PASs, and some PARs will include money set aside by the Institute to stimulate research in a well-defined scientific area in order to accomplish specific program objectives. A concept clearance is the process by which NIMH receives public advice on the merits of the potential solicitation. Approved concepts are posted on the NIMH website to alert researchers to NIMH interests and potential funding opportunities; however, budget constraints may prevent an approved concept from becoming an actual Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). Furthermore, the actual solicitation may differ in certain details from its originating concept.

The National Advisory Mental Health Council (NAMHC) conducts all NIMH concept clearances.

Please send questions regarding specific concepts to the program contacts listed in the concept description. Please address other comments to Some details about cleared concepts, like receipt dates, become available only upon NIMH issuing a FOA.