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Director’s Messages from 2018

Translational Research: From Research Findings to Transformative Treatments

By Joshua Gordon on

The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) focuses on research which translates basic neuroscience findings into novel treatments. In this Director’s Message, Dr. Gordon discusses some of the exciting work presented at this year’s ACNP meeting.

It Begins with Basic Science

By Joshua Gordon on

Those of you who follow Dr. Gordon on Twitter (@NIMHDirector) may have seen snippets of his experiences at the 2018 annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), the largest gathering of neuroscientists in the world. In this Director’s message, Dr. Gordon highlights some of the excellent basic research on display at this year’s conference.

Confronting Bias to Advance Science

By Joshua Gordon on

Dr. Gordon discusses the presence—and negative impact—of bias in science and how we can take positive steps as individuals and organizations to challenge these assumptions and combat their damaging effects.

Moving Stress Research Forward

By Joshua Gordon on

Research tells us that severe stress can cause all kinds of adverse health outcomes, including an increased risk for mental illnesses. Dr. Gordon discusses how NIMH is trying to move the field of stress research forward, toward the translation of basic findings into clinical advances.

From Student to Scientist: NIMH Training and Career Development

By Joshua Gordon on

NIMH is committed to research training and career development of young researchers. As students across the country head back to school, Dr. Gordon discusses some of the ways NIMH supports and trains the next generation of researchers.

Mental Health Research—Diversity Matters

By Joshua Gordon on

In recognition of National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, Dr. Gordon highlights efforts within the NIMH research portfolio to address disparities in mental health and access to care.

Highlighting Services and Effectiveness Research at NIMH

By Joshua Gordon on

Figuring out how best to deliver effective therapies is the domain of services research. Dr. Gordon offers examples of the spectrum of services research supported by NIMH.

How Aware Are We, Really, About Mental Illness?

By Joshua Gordon on

In a message on the importance of mental health awareness, Dr. Gordon recounts how he came to be aware of the personal impact of mental illnesses.

Autism Awareness Month

By Joshua Gordon on

For Autism Awareness Month, Dr. Gordon offers a snapshot of federal efforts and research findings related to autism spectrum disorder.

Towards a Genomic Psychiatry: Recommendations of the Genomics Workgroup of the NAMHC

By Joshua Gordon on

A Genomics Workgroup of the National Advisory Mental Health Council has issued a report with recommendations for NIMH’s ongoing support of genomics research. Dr. Gordon offers highlights of the report with his reflections.

NIMH’s Portfolio Balance: Quality Science Comes First

By Joshua Gordon on

Tracking the NIMH research portfolio reveals shifts in balance or research investments over the last ten years. Dr. Gordon offers insights into the trends and his view on funding priorities.

Excellent Science

By Joshua Gordon on

NIMH leadership has defined a set of principles to help compare the quality of research proposals across the full breadth of the Institute’s portfolio; Dr. Gordon explains how these principles can help ensure that NIMH prioritizes excellent science while assuring portfolio balance across timeframes.