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Transforming the understanding
and treatment of mental illnesses.

Services Research and Clinical Epidemiology Branch


This Branch plans, supports and administers programs of research, research training, and research infrastructure development, across the lifespan, on all mental health services research issues, including but not limited to:

  • Services organization, delivery (process and receipt of care), and related health economics at the individual, clinical, program, community and systems levels in specialty mental health, general health, and other delivery settings (such as the workplace).
  • Interventions to improve the quality and outcomes of care, including diagnostic, treatment, preventive, and rehabilitation services.
  • Enhanced capacity for conducting services research.
  • The clinical epidemiology of mental disorders across all clinical and service settings.
  • The dissemination and implementation of evidence-based interventions into service settings.


Child and Adolescent Services Research Program
Disparities in Mental Health Services Research Program
Dissemination and Implementation Research Program
Financing and Managed Care Research Program
Methodological Research Program
Primary Care Research Program
Systems Research Program

Branch chief

Michael C. Freed, Ph.D., EMT-B is the Chief of the Services Research and Clinical Epidemiology Branch at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Under his guidance, the branch sets research priorities, develops funding initiatives, and administers a public health–oriented research portfolio to increase access, continuity, quality, equity, and value of mental health services to those in need. The branch also manages the domestic dissemination and implementation science research portfolio for NIMH.  

Dr. Freed joined NIMH from the Department of Defense, where, as the research director of an interdisciplinary team of researchers, clinicians, and support staff, he worked to transform behavioral health care across the military health system, to include developing and testing models of care integration.  Dr. Freed is a licensed psychologist, with a PhD from American University.  

Michael C. Freed, Ph.D., EMT-B
6001 Executive Blvd., 7144, MSC 9629

Areas of emphasis

  • To develop a sound knowledge base to substantially increase the sustainable uptake of scientifically based treatments and services for mental disorders across community settings.
  • To identify and utilize active therapeutic ingredients in complex community-based services and programs for applications that optimize functioning and sustain community reintegration of people with mental disorders.
  • To understand how and which traits of individuals, their families, providers, organizations, and social and cultural environments affect whether, where, and when people will seek care, the types of care chosen/provided, what happens during care, and the impact on outcomes.
  • To enhance the research capacity and infrastructure for mental health services research through strategic partnerships, community engagement, and information technologies.